Malfin Rumerung, Sri Seprianto Maddusa, Ricky C. Sondakh


Kebisingan adalah suara yang dianggap mengganggu yang bisa menyebabkan seseorang mengalami gangguan kesehatan. Paparan intensitas kebisingan yang tinggi dapat memicu terjadinya kenaikan tekanan darah serta denyut nadi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan tekanan darah dan denyut nadi pekerja industri mebel di Desa Leilem. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional, yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2019. Subjek penelitian adalah 34 orang. Instrumen penelitian yaitu sound levelmeter, spigmomanometer dan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan Fisher Exact dan Chi-Square. Rata-rata intensitas kebisingan yang didapat adalah 86,8 dB. Hasil pengukuran tekanan darah menunjukkan bahwa tekanan darah tertinggi yaitu 140/90 mmHg dimiliki 3 responden dengan persentase 8,8% sedangkan tekanan darah terendah sebesar 110/70 mmHg dimiliki 3 responden dengan persentase 8,8%. pengukuran denyut nadi menunjukkan bahwa denyut nadi tertinggi sebesar 102 kali/menit dimiliki 1 responden (2,9%) dan denyut nadi terendah sebesar 76 kali/menit dimiliki 1 responden (2,9%). Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan tekanan darah pada pekerja industri mebel dengan nilai p = 0,048 < 0,05 dan ada hubungan antara intensitas kebisingan dengan denyut nadi pada pekerja industri mebel dengan nilai p = 0,031 < 0,05. Pemilik perusahaan sebaiknya menyediakan APT ataupun APD lain berupa masker agar para pekerja terlindungi dari paparan kebisingan maupun paparan debu serta memperhatikan durasi bekerja setiap hari agar tidak lebih dari 8 jam.


Kata Kunci: Intensitas Kebisingan, Tekanan Darah, Denyut Nadi



Noise is sound that is considered disturbing that can cause health problems. Exposure to high intensity noise can trigger an increase in blood pressure and pulse. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between noise intensity with blood pressure and pulse rate of furniture industry workers in Leilem Village. This research is an analytic survey research using cross sectional approach, which was conducted in July-October 2019. The research subjects were 34 people. The research instruments were sound level meter, spigmomanometer and questionnaire. Data analysis using Fisher Exact and Chi-Square. The average noise intensity obtained was 86,8 dB. The results of blood pressure measurements show that the highest blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg is owned by 3 respondents with a percentage of 8.8% while the lowest blood pressure of 110/70 mmHg is owned by 3 respondents with a percentage of 8.8%. pulse measurement shows that the highest pulse rate of 102 times / minute is owned by 1 respondent (2.9%) and the lowest pulse rate is 76 times / minute owned by 1 respondent (2.9%). Statistical tests indicate that there is a relationship between noise intensity and blood pressure in furniture industry workers with a value of p = 0.048 <0.05 and there is a relationship between noise intensity and the pulse in furniture industry workers with a value of p = 0.031 <0.05. Company owners should provide ear protection equipment or other personal protective equipment in the form of masks so that workers are protected from exposure to noise or dust exposure and pay attention to the duration of work every day so that no more than 8 hours.


Keywords: Noise Intensity, Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate

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