Mourine V. Lomboan, Adisti A. Rumayar, Chreisye K. F. Mandagi


Covid-19 merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh jenis corona virus yang baru ditemukan. Untuk pencegahan terhadap Covid-19, maka perlu menerapkan protocol kesehatan dengan mencuci tangan, menghindari mneyentuh daerah wajah, menerapkan etika bersin dan batuk, pakai masker, Social Distancing/Physical Distancing, membersihkan perabot di dalam rumah dan mencuci bahan makanan sebelum dimasak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang pencegahan Covid-19 di kelurahan kawangkoan utara kecamatan kawangkoan utara  menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam melalui online yang diambil dari 7 informan masyarakat talikuran utara kecamatan kawangkoan utara. Pemeriksaan atau pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan hasil wawancara mendalam, diperoleh persepsi masyarakat tentang pencegahan Covid-19 dalam menghindari menyentuh daerah wajah, menerapkan etika bersin dan batuk, pakai masker, social distancing/physical distancing dan mencuci bahan makanan sebelum dimasak sudah sesuai dengan protocol kesehatan. Namun untuk mencuci tangan dan membersihkan perabot didalam rumah beberapa informan belum memiliki persepsi tentang pencegahan Covid-19 sesuai protocol kesehatan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah masyarakat kelurahan talikuran utara kecamatan kawangkoan utara belum memiliki persepsi pencegahan yang sesuai dengan protocol kesehatan . Saran sebaiknya masyarakat lebih lagi menaati peraturan pemerintah yang telah dibuat terkait protocol kesehatan agar derajat kesehatan masyarakat semakin meningkat dan secepatnya negara kita kembali normal.


Kata Kunci : covid-19, masyarakat kelurahan talikuran utara, Pencegahan, persepsi



Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new type of corona virus. To prevent Covid-19, it is necessary to apply health protocols by washing hands, avoiding touching the face area, applying ethics to sneezing and coughing, wearing masks, Social Distancing / Physical Distancing, cleaning furniture inside the house and washing food before cooking.This study aims to determine public perceptions about the prevention of Covid-19 in the Kawangkoan Utara sub-district of Kawangkoan Utara sub-district using qualitative methods with in-depth online interviews taken from 7 informants from the North Talikuran community in the northern Kawangkoan sub-district. Checking or checking the validity of the data using the method triangulation.The results of the study based on the results of in-depth interviews, obtained public perception about the prevention of Covid-19 in avoiding touching the face area, applying ethics sneezing and coughing, washing hands, wearing masks, social distancing / physical distancing, cleaning furniture inside the house and washing food before cooking in accordance with the health protocol.The conclusion can be seen that the public is very worried about the Covid-19 outbreak. For that reason, with the government's suggestion about prevention of Covid-19, it can be seen that the public perception is good, the public understands the danger of Covid-19 and the public also understands the health protocol in the prevention of Covid-19. so that the community continues to implement government recommendations related to health protocols.Suggestions that the public and the government should work more together in this matter so that the community remains controlled in the prevention of co-19 and our country returns to normal.


Keywords: covid-19, talikuran utara village community, prevention, perception

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