Andrew Christy Darea, Diana V. D. Doda, Wulan P.J. Kaunang


Kebakaran merupakan masalah yang dapat terjadi kapan saja dan menimbulkan korban jiwa serta kerugian harta benda dan dokumen-dokumen penting. Kebakaran dapat terjadi di akibat kelalaian dari manusia maupun akibat dari faktor alam, kasus kebakaran yang dapat terjadi akibat tidak diterapkannya sistem tanggap darurat kebakaran yang efektif dan tidak tersedianya sarana proteksi dalam gedung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan sistem tanggap darurat kebakaran di gedung-gedung universitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan observasional  untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengevaluasi dengan pengumpulan data secara in-depth interview. Metode pengambilan informan menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling yaitu informan memiliki kecukupan dan pengetahuan tentang topik penelitian agar dapat memberikan informasi, dan gambaran mengenai sistem tanggap darurat, pengambilan informasi dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dengan 6 orang informan yang berada di 4 gedung yang dimasukkan dalam penelitian. Hasil wawancara mendalam dengan 6 informan menunjukan bahwa Lembaga Pendidikan dalam penelitian sudah mengerti tentang sistem tanggap darurat dan sudah mengetahui prosedur tanggap darurat namun belum memperlengkapi sarana proteksi, tim tanggap darurat dan simulasi tanggap darurat belum dilaksanakan disetiap gedung. Tim tanggap darurat di empat gedung tsb belum dibentuk karena dibeberapa gedung kekurangan sumber daya manusia untuk membentuk tim tanggap darurat, dan untuk dokumen sistem tanggap darurat belum tersedia. Hasil observasi langsung didapatkan bahwa dari empat gedung dalam penelitian ini, satu gedung belum mempunyai sarana proteksi aktif, dua gedung belum mempunyai sarana proteksi pasif dan satu gedung yang belum mempunyai sarana penyelamat jiwa. Hasil observasi dokumen ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar gedung tidak memiliki dokumen tanggap darurat yang menjadi patokan dalam melaksanakan dan menangani keadaan darurat. Penerapan sistem tanggap darurat kebakaran dalam Lembaga Pendidikan dalam penelitian ini belum efektif, oleh sebab itu pembentuk tim tanggap darurat dan melengkapi sarana proteksi kebakaran sangat diperlukan sehingga sistem tanggap darurat kebakaran bisa terlaksana dengan baik di setiap gedung.


Kata Kunci : Sistem Tanggap Darurat Kebakaran



Fire is a problem that can occur at any time, may cause fatalities and loss of property and important documents. Fires can occur as a result of natural factors, human negligence, not implementing an effective fire emergency response system and the unavailability of protective facilities in the building. This study aims to determine the application of fire emergency response systems in university buildings. This study used a qualitative method through an observational approach to identify and data collection through in-depth interviews. The purposive sampling technique was used to recruit the informant. The informant should have sufficient knowledge about the research topic to provide appropriate information and an overview of the emergency response system. In-depth interviews were administrated with six informants who were in four buildings that were included in the study. The results of in-depth interviews with 6 informants showed that the educational institutions in the study already understood the emergency response system and already knew emergency response procedures.  However, they had not adequately equipped with protection facilities and no emergency response teams.  The emergency response simulations had not been implemented in every building. Emergency response teams in the four buildings have not been formed because some buildings have limited human resources to perform emergency response team tasks. Documents for the emergency response system are not yet available. The results of direct observation showed that of the four buildings in this study, one building did not have active protection facilities, two buildings did not have passive protection facilities, and one did not have life-saving facilities. The result of document observation found that most of the buildings do not have emergency response documents that become a benchmark in implementing and handling emergencies. The implementation of the fire emergency response system in educational institutions in this study has not been effective, therefore forming an emergency response team and completing fire protection facilities is needed so that the fire emergency response system can be implemented properly in every building.


Keywords : Fire Emergency Response System

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