Gambaran Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Vaksinasi COVID-19 di Desa Kamanga Dua Kecamatan Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa

Rayclif Runtuwene, Ardiansa A. T. Tucunan, Adisti A. Rumayar


Tujuannpenelitian yaitu untuknmengetahui GambarannPersepsi Masyarakat terhadap Vaksinasi COVID-19ndinDesa Kamanga Dua KecamatannTompaso KabupatennMinahasa berdasarkan karakteristik umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan keluarga, danntempat tinggal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif deskriptif dengannpendekatanncross-sectional study yang dilaksanakan pada bulannApril – November 2021 di Desa Kamanga Dua KecamatannTompaso KabupatennMinahasa dengannjumlah sampelnsebanyak 93 responden. Instrumennpenelitian yang digunakan yaitu modifikasi dari kuisioner yang telah digunakan oleh KementeriannKesehatan, ITAGI, UNICEF, dannWHO dalam Survei PenerimaannVaksinnCOVID-19 di Indonesia (2020) sebanyak 19 pernyataan yang telah divalidasi. Hasil penelitian ininmenunjukkannbahwa berdasarkan karakteristik umur, respondennyang berumur 17 sampai 24 tahun masuk dalam kategori persepsi negatif yaitu sebanyak 7,5%, responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki termasuk dalam kategori persepsi negatif yaitu 31,2%, responden berpendidikan tamat SMA masuk dalam kategori persepsi negatif sebanyak 31%, responden yang mempunyai pekerjaan lain-lain masuk kategori persepsi negatif yaitu sebanyak 24,7%, responden yang berpendapatan keluarga kurang dari 1 juta masuk dalam kategori persepsi negatif yaitu sebanyak 14%, responden yang tinggal di jaga 1 masuk dalam kategori persepsi negatif yaitu sebanyak 20%. Kesimpulan persepsi masyarakatnterhadap vaksinasinCOVID-19, setiap karakteristiknmasyarakat memiliki persepsi yang berbeda sehingga terdapat perbedaan pandangan di tengah lingkungan masyarakat.


Kata Kunci : covid-19, vaksinasi, masyarakat desa kamanga dua, persepsi


The purposenof the study wasnto determine thendescription ofnpublic perceptions of COVID-19nvaccination in Kamanga Dua Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency based on the characteristics of age, gender. , education, occupation, family income, nand place ofnresidence. The researchnmethod used isndescriptive quantitativenwith ancross-sectional study approach which wasncarried out in April – November 2021 in Kamanga Dua Village, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency with a total sample of 93 respondents. Thenresearch instrument used is a modification of the questionnairenthat has been used by the Ministry of Health, ITAGI, UNICEF, and WHO in the COVID-VaccinenAcceptance Survey in Indonesia (2020) with 19 validated statements. Thenresults of this studynindicate that based on age characteristics, respondents aged 17 to 24 years are included in the negative perception category, namely 7.5%, male respondents are included in the negative perception category, namely 31.2%, respondents with high school education are included in the negative perception category. in the category of negative perceptions as much as 31%, respondents who have other jobs are included in the category of negative perceptions as much as 24.7%, respondents with family income of less than 1 million fall into the category of negative perceptions as much as 14%, respondents who live in guard 1 included in the category of negative perceptions as much as 20%. The conclusion of the public perception of the COVID-19 vaccination, each community characteristic has a different perception so that there are different views in the community.


Keywords : covid-19, vaccination, kamanga dua village community, perception

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