Bandotan leaves (Argentum conizoydes L.) are often called nuisance plants. They growed wild in yards, plantation and fields. The chemical compound in bandotan leaves were potential as an antibacterial agent. From this research, we would determine effect of extraction method, by maceration and soxhletation, on the chemical compounds and antibacterial activity of bandotan leaf (Ageratum conizoydes L) extract. Both are using 96% of ethanol. The phytochemical screening showed that both extracts contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and steroids, respectively. The photometric analysis showed the average concentration of flavonoids and tannins in bandotan leaf extract resulting from soxhletation, was 177,98 mg/g and 61,13 mg/g, higher than that of maceration, 133,67 mg/g and 47,75 mg/g. The antibacterial activity of extract from soxhletation had a greater inhibitory power 7.524 mm±1.457 compared to the extract from maceration 4.749 mm±2.142. It showed that the extraction method affected the concentration of chemical compounds and antibacterial activity.
Keyword : Bandotan leaves, maceration, soxhletation, antibacterial
Daun bandotan (Ageratum conizoydes L) sering disebut tumbuhan pengganggu. Daun bandotan tumbuh liar di pekarangan, perkebunan dan tanah lapang. Kandungan senyawa kimia daun bandotan berpotensi sebagai zat antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode ekstraksi, secara maserasi dan sokletasi terhadap kandungan senyawa kimia dan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun bandotan (Ageratum conizoydes L). Ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Hasil skrining fitokimia menunjukkan, baik ekstrak hasil maserasi maupun sokletasi positif alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponin dan steroid. Hasil analisis fotometri menunjukkan rata – rata konsentrasi flavonoid dan tannin pada ekstrak daun bandotan hasil sokletasi,177,98 mg/g dan 61,13 mg/g, lebih tinggi dibandingkan ekstrak hasil maserasi, 133,67 mg/g dan 47,75 mg/g. Uji aktivitas antibakteri terhadap Staphylococcus aureus menunjukkan ekstrak hasil sokletasi berdaya hambat lebih besar 7,524 mm±1,457 dibandingkan dengan ekstrak hasil maserasi 4,749 mm±2,142. Hasil di atas menunjukkan bahwa metode ekstraksi mempengaruhi kandungan senyawa kimia, khususnya konsentrasi flavonoid dan tanin serta aktivitas antibakteri.
Kata Kunci : Daun bandotan, maserasi, sokletasi, antibakteri
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