Drug storage is a regulatory activity for pharmaceutical preparations that are received so that they are safe, avoid physical and chemical damage and their quality is guaranteed in accordance with the stipulated requirements. This study aims to see the description of drug storage at Ranomuut Health Center. This research is descriptive in nature to obtain information on how the description of drug storage in the Pharmacy Installation of the Ranomuut Health Center is. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews. Based on the results of research on drug storage at the Pharmacy Installation of the Ranomuut Health Center, it is in the very good category with an average percentage of 88.89%. The description of drug storage through drug storage method was obtained 100% (very good), 66,67% (good) spatial arrangement and 100% (very good) stock card recording. Drug storage at the Ranomuut Health Center in Manado City is very good.
Keywords: Drug storage, Public Health Center
Penyimpanan obat merupakan kegiatan pengaturan terhadap sediaan farmasi yang diterima agar aman, terhindar dari kerusakan fisik maupun kimia dan mutunya tetap terjamin sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas Ranomuut. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif untuk mendapat informasi bagaimana gambaran penyimpanan obat di Instalasi Farmasi Puskesmas Ranomuut. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas Ranomuut termasuk kategori sangat baik dengan persentase rata-rata 88,89%. Gambaran penyimpanan obat melalui cara penyimpanan obat diperoleh 100% (sangat baik), pengaturan tata ruang 66,67% (baik), dan pencatatan kartu stok 100% (sangat baik). Penyimpanan obat di Puskesmas Ranomuut Kota Manado adalah sangat baik.
Kata kunci: Penyimpanan Obat, Puskesmas
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