Implementasi Kebijakan Bebass Visa Kunjungan Di Daerah Sulawesi Utara

Hendrik M. A. Rompis, Max Rembang, Daud M. Liando


The development of the world of transportation, tourism in the last few years before the pandemic era developed very rapidly, the need for travel is an opportunity for a region and even a country in order to increase the income and welfare of its people. For this reason, the Indonesian government issued the Government issued a policy, namely the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2016 concerning Visa Exemption, where 169 countries were granted Visa Exemption and the purpose of this policy was to increase foreign tourists coming to Indonesia because with The number of visits by foreign tourists of course can encourage economic development, tourism and improve good relations between countries. North Sulawesi Province is one of the tourist destinations for both local and foreign tourists, with the arrival of many foreign nationals being an opportunity as well as a challenge for the government in how to regulate regional security and order. Apart from getting great benefits from the economic turnover in the region, the arrival of foreigners can also be a threat to violations of existing regulations in Indonesia, especially in North Sulawesi.

Keywords: Policy, Visa Exemption, Foreigner

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