Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah Pada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

Rudy Lalonsang, Michael Mamentu, Max R. Rembang


Ministries and institutions in Indonesia are required to carry out bureaucratic and governance reforms at all levels of management as an obligation in carrying out activities aimed at ensuring that organizational goals can be realized in accordance with the established vision and mission. One of the steps taken is to implement the Government Internal Control System (SPIP). SPIP is influenced by human resources who only provide adequate but absolute confidence. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the Government's Internal Control System policy at the North Sulawesi Provincial KPU. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that focuses on the implementation of SPIP reporting policies with the indicators proposed by George Edwards III consisting of communication, disposition, resources and bureaucratic structure. The research informants were 9 people who were taken using purposive sampling technique which obtained data by observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by means of data reduction, data display and data verification. The results show that from indicator 1) communication, where communication that occurs in the form of internal communication is information between superiors and subordinates, subordinates and fellow subordinates in this case, it is coordinating and between policy implementers in this case the North Sulawesi Provincial KPU and policy makers in this case. RI Commission. 2) Disposition, as the leader has motivated his staff in growing attitudes/behaviors at work. 3) Resources, the number of employees in the KPU North Sulawesi Province is not in accordance with the needs, does not meet the requirements such as SE Secretary General of the KPU. 4) Bureaucratic structure, North Sulawesi Provincial KPU has a clear organizational structure, which is carried out in accordance with standard operating procedures. In the implementation of this policy, the communication factor between policy implementers, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure is very influential in the implementation. However, in implementing the policy, there are several weaknesses of these factors, namely: limited human resources, as implementers.

 Keywords: Policy, SPIP, KPU

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