ABSTRACTThe objective of this study in to determine the effect to Crop Production Of
Food Price Index in Manado this study uses secondary data. The data used is obtained
from the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sulawesi Province, in the
form of time series data. Analysis of data using multiple linear regressi on models to
examine the relationship between production of food crops, with food price indeks in
Manado city.
The results of research showed that the effect of Crop Production Of Food Price
Index in Manado City is influenced by two variables, the production of food crops in
the city of Manado and food crop production in North Sulawesi Province outside of
the city of Manado.
Based on regression analysis, it can be concluded that the F-value equal to 2,07
with a significant level of 0,197 which means the production of food crops in the city
of Manado and food crop production in North Sulawesi city of Manado out jointly
significant effect on food price index. Determinant coefficient ( ) of 0,521 indicated
that 52.1% of food price index is affected by the variables the production of food
crops in the city of Manado and food crop production in North Sulawesi Province
outside of the city of Manado. Regression coefficient for the variable crop production
in the city of Manado was positive it means that the variable is 0,07058 crop
production in Manado City but had a significant effect on food price index with
P=0,092, but the regression coefficient for the variable crop production in North
Sulawesi Province outside of the city of Manado -0,0003927 was negative which
means variable crop production in North Sulawesi Province outside of the city of
Manado had a significant effect on food price index in the city of Manado with