Partisipasi Petani Dalam Pemanfaatan Getah Pinus di Hutan Lindung Soputan Melalui Program Hutan Kemasyarakatan (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Tani Rin Pamu di Desa Tombasian Atas Kecamatan Kawangkoan Barat Kabupaten Minahasa)


  • Malvry I. Lombok
  • Hengki D. Walangitan
  • Maria Y.M.A. Sumakud




This study aims to describe the level of participation and analyze the factors that influence the level of
participation of Rin Pamu farmer groups in community forestry, especially the use of pine resin. This study uses a
survey method with a closed questionnaire model. Determination of respondents using saturated sampling technique
with the number of respondents as many as 34 people. Determination of the level of participation using a Likert
scale. Furthermore, to analyze the relationship of respondents socioeconomic factors to the level of participation
using Chi Square analysis. The results showed that the level of participation of farmer groups at the planning stage
was moderate. Furthermore, at the stage of implementation and monitoring the evaluation is quite high. The factors
that influence the level of participation are age and education, while the income factors does not affect the level of
participation of farmer groups in the HKm program, especially the use of pine resinin the Mount Soputan Protection
Keywords: Participation, Pine Sap, Rin Pamu Farmer Group

Author Biographies

Malvry I. Lombok

Fak. Pertanian Unsrat

Hengki D. Walangitan

Fak. Pertanian Unsrat

Maria Y.M.A. Sumakud

Fak. Pertanian Unsrat




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