Analysis of the Implementation of E-Tax Invoices in Efforts to Increase Compliance of Taxable Entrepreneurs for Reporting VAT SPT for the 2021-2022 Period at KPP Pratama Manado


  • Zevania Meysha Makalare Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
  • Jullie J. Sondakh Akuntansi FEB Unsrat
  • Sonny Pangerapan



The rapid development of technology has encouraged tax authorities around the world to use it for tax administration, one of which is managing electronic tax invoices through the e-Invoice application. This research aims to analyze how tax e-invoicing is implemented in an effort to increase the compliance of Taxable Entrepreneurs for reporting VAT SPT for the 2021-2022 period. The analytical method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The results obtained from this research show that the level of compliance of taxable entrepreneurs using e-invoices in 2021 is 90.45% and in 2022 it is 86.97%. This shows that the implementation of e-invoicing is classified as less compliant because the percentage from 2021 to 20222 has decreased.



How to Cite

Makalare, Z. M., Sondakh, J. J., & Pangerapan, S. (2023). Analysis of the Implementation of E-Tax Invoices in Efforts to Increase Compliance of Taxable Entrepreneurs for Reporting VAT SPT for the 2021-2022 Period at KPP Pratama Manado. GOING CONCERN : JURNAL RISET AKUNTANSI, 18(4), 311–322.


