value added analysis, Shanghai Nut Conenci, Tomohon CityAbstract
This research aims to determine the magnitude of the added value and benefits obtained from the home industri of Shanghai Nut Conenci in Paslaten, Tomohon City. This research was conducted from March to May 2018, in household businesses in Paslaten Village, Tomohon City. The method used in this study, survey method with direct interview techniques to business owners using a list of questions that have been prepared in advance. The results showed that the value added of peanuts to Shanghai beans hated from three production processes a week of Rp 2,094,917, while the added value in each one kilogram of peanuts was Rp. 41,988, - Benefits of a Shanghai Konenci bean processing business with three the production
process amounted to Rp. 69,264. *lrr+eprm*
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