General Provisions

  1. PHARMACON accepts articles in both Indonesian and English languages. Articles are written in either Indonesian or English with proper grammar.
  2. Articles in Indonesian should follow the guidelines of Enhanced Spelling Rules (EYD).
  3. Articles should be written using Times New Roman 11pt font, single-spaced on A4-sized pages (210mm x 297mm) with margins of 2 cm on the left, right, top, and bottom. The articles should be typed using Microsoft Word.
  4. In articles written in Indonesian, foreign words should be italicized.
  5. Tables presented in the article should be in table format (not images). Ensure that the displayed images are of high resolution. Table writing should be single-spaced.
  6. Citation of References in the article should include the author's last name followed by the year (Harvard Style). Examples include Morgan (1992); Munns et al. (1979) at the beginning of a sentence and (Raymond and Smirnoff 2002) at the end of a sentence.
  7. Registration as an author in the userhome menu (completing identity), submitting the article through online submission
  8. For authors from Sam Ratulangi University, the publication requirements include settling administrative fees, making revisions as suggested by the journal's management within 1 week after revisions are submitted through the author's account and email address.
  9. For non-Sam Ratulangi University authors, publication requirements involve completing article revisions and then settling administrative fees.
  10. Administrative fees follow the Service Tariff according to the Rector's Decree of Sam Ratulangi University.

Writing Systematics

1. Title

The title is written in both Indonesian and English, with a maximum length of 15 words.

2. Author names are provided without titles and are accompanied by the authors' affiliated institutions. If the authors are from different institutions, use marks such as 1), 2), 3), etc., after each author's name. The corresponding author is marked with (*) and must provide a complete institutional address and email.

3. Abstract

The abstract is written in both English and Indonesian, with a maximum of 150 words in a single paragraph. The abstract includes background, research objectives, research methodology, results, and conclusions.

4. Keywords: up to 5 keywords at the end of the abstract (in Indonesian and English)

5. Introduction

The introduction contains the research background and objectives.

6. Research Methodology

This section includes: research time and place, research type, research instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis.

7. Results and Discussion

Each displayed data is comprehensively discussed with a flow: presenting data, comparing with similar research, and discussing relevant theories related to the available data.

8. Conclusion

The conclusion includes a summary that answers the research objectives and indicates what needs to be further studied.

9. Recommendations

This section contains suggestions for further research development.

10. References

References Arranged alphabetically based on the last name of the primary author and year of publication (Harvard system), mandatory use of standard citation applications (Mendeley/Endnote). At least 70% of the references should be from the entire reference list, and the references' currency should not exceed the last 10 years.



The preparation of the References List for journals is written in the order of: author's name, year of publication, journal name, journal volume, journal number, and page number for the journal reference source. Example:

Azizah, D.N., E. Kumolowati & F. Faramayuda. 2014. Penetapan Kadar Flavonoid Metode AlCl3 pada Ekstrak Metanol Kulit Buah Kakao (Theobroma cacao L). Kartika Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi. 2: 45-49.


The preparation of the References List for books is written in the order of: author's name, year of publication, book title, publisher's name, and place of publication. The method for writing the author's name and year of publication is similar to that used for journals. Example:

Aiken, G.R., D.M. McKnight, R.L. Wershaw & P. MacCarthy. 1985. Humic Substances in Soil Sediment and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation, and Characterization. John Willey & Sons, New York.

Thesis or Dissertation


  1. Nely, F. 2007. Aktivitas Antioksidan Rempah Pasar dan Bubuk Rempah Pabrik dengan Metode Polifenol danUji Aom (Active Oxygen Method). [Skripsi]. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian IPB, Bogor.
  2. Rorong, J.A. 2012. Fitokimia Limbah Pertanian Sebagai Sensitizer Alami Untuk Fotoreduksi Besi [Disertasi]. Program Doktor. Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.