Response Of The Root Of Vanilla (Vanilla planilia Andrew) Against Some Rootone F Concentration


  • Jemmy Najoan Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Meiti Silta Ronsul Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Jelie Viekson Porong Universitas Sam Ratulangi



This research was carrien out in Sea II village, Pineleng district Minahasa regency in April-june 2022. Thes study aims to determine the best concentration of rootone F on the growth of vanilla root cuttings (Vanilla planifolia Andrew). The design used was a randomized block design (RAK) with the factor being examined, namely the concentration of Rootone F which consisted of 5 treatments, namely A0 (control), A1 (Rootone F concentration 50 mg/1,5 L), A2 (Rootone F concentration 100 mg/1,5 L), A3 (Rootone F concentration 150 mg/1,5 L), and A4 (Rootone F concentration 50 mg/1,5 L). the variables observed were dry weight, number of roos and root length. It was found that the concentration of Rootone F with the best response for rooting of vanilla cuttings was obtained at a concentration of 50 mg/1.5 L (A1).

Keywords: Vanilla, and Rootone F.


Penelitian ini telah di laksanakan di Desa Sea II, Kecamatan Pineleng, Kabupaten Minahasa pada bulan April-Juni 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi Rootone F terbaik pada pertumbuhan stek akar tanaman vanili ( Vanilla planifolia Andrew). Rancangan yang di gunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan faktor yang di teliti yaitu konsentrasi Rootone F yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan, yaitu A0 (kontrol), A1 (konsentrasi Rootone F 50 mg/1,5 L), A2 (konsentrasi Rootone F 100 mg/1,5 L), A3 (konsentrasi Rootone F 150 mg/1,5 L), dan A4 (konsentrasi Rootone F 200 mg/1,5 L). variabel yang di amati yaitu Bobot Kering, Jumlah akar,dan Panjang akar. Didapatkan konsentrasi Rootone F dengan respon terbaik untuk perakaran stek tanaman vanili yaitu pada perlakuan konsentrasi 50 mg/1,5 L (A1).

Kata kunci: Tanaman vanili, Rootone F




How to Cite

Najoan, J., Ronsul , M. S., & Porong , J. V. (2022). Response Of The Root Of Vanilla (Vanilla planilia Andrew) Against Some Rootone F Concentration. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Terapan, 3(2), 414–421.