Author Fee

Author Fee

Authors are free to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.

Article Publication Fee

If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

The cost is IDR 750.000 (Rp. 750.000 - seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiah).

Please first contact our 'support contact' for the costs of this publication.
We have publication fee waivers for authors from low-income countries, discounts for authors from lower-middle income countries, and/or waivers and discounts for other authors with demonstrable need.
Please send a photo of proof of transfer (author or author correspondence) as an additional file. Proof of transfer is in the form of a bank deposit slip or ATM receipt.

Here are the details of the deposit that must be made by the depositor.

Account number: 0537068016
Account name: REKTOR UNSRAT
Banks: PT. BANK BNI 46 (Persero) Cabang Manado 


Donations to journal - Donations of any amount to this journal are gratefully received and provide a means for the editors to continue to provide a journal of the highest quality to its readers.