About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Platax Scientific Journal is part of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University as a forum for disseminating research results on Aquatic Resource Management and Marine Science through undergraduate and doctoral programs, publishes articles in the form of literature reviews, and writing results related to the implementation of research carried out independently, or in groups, and based on scope;

  • Management of coastal areas,
  • Conservation, ecotourism,
  • Biological ecology,
  • Environmental Health
  • Molecular on marine biological resources.

Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript is judged based on the following rules:

  • His originality and contribution to the field of Aquatic Resources Management
  • Methodology and Theory Reliability is taken according to the title of the article 
  • Grammar and writing techniques follow existing provisions.

Publication Frequency

The publication of articles is carried out in 2 periods, namely:

1. January - June issue

2. July - December issue

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Author Guidelines


PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! The journal accepts manuscripts that meet the JIP format and style as contained in the Journal Template. Manuscripts are accepted through the registration and submission process on the OJS (Open Journal System) platform. Any manuscript that is not by the scientific field will NOT be reviewed. Curriculum vitae should be emailed to: jm_platax@unsrat.ac.


  1. All manuscripts should be written in English either American or British style (must be consistent)
  2. All manuscripts should be typed on double-sided of good quality A4 paper and be 1.5-spaced, except for indented direct quotations.
  3. All the manuscripts have to be made briefly according to the research subject and methods, usually between 15 pages with 1.5-spaced, including figures, methods, and references.
  4. Margins (left, right, top, and bottom) should be at least 1.27 cm, font Times New Roman size 12, except the title. To ensure blind review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their paper.
  5. The systematic report typically includes the following sections (without numbers):
  • Title page
  • Authors' name, institution, address of the institution, and email of correspondence.
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment
  • References
  1. Please recheck the appropriate spelling and vocabulary.
  2. All pages, including tables, appendices, and references, should be serially numbered.
  3. Percentage and Decimal Fraction, for non-technical purposes, use percent in text: for technical purposes use the % symbol.
  4. Keywords, four keywords should be provided at the end of the abstract so that they would be easier to locate in the index.


An abstract, which is 150-250 words in length, should be presented on a separate page immediately preceding the text of the manuscript. An abstract should be relatively non-mathematical and provide detail about the paper's purposes, research methods, and findings as well as its contributions. The manuscript title, but neither the author's name nor his/her affiliation, should appear on the abstract page.


  1. Authors should pay attention to All tables and figures (graphs) that should be put on pages by themselves. Each table or figure should be numerically numbered and fully titled which refers to the contents of tables or figures.
  2. References for each graph should be mentioned in a manuscript without any exceptions.
  3. Authors should point out with notation about which margin that graphic should be included in a text.
  4. Graphs should be easily interpreted without referring to the text.
  5. Lines that refer to sources and notes should be included in the text. Equations should be numerically numbered in parenthesis with an aligning right margin.


Text citation, manuscripts should be cited in an authors-year system which refers to the manuscript in a bibliography. JIP uses APA Styles in citing references in the text. When you use information from another source, cite that source in the text so that readers can easily find the full citation in the References. Either make the citation part of the sentence or insert it, within parentheses, after the author or their work is mentioned.

First time cited

One author:

  • Andoyo (1990) reviewed research on negotiation and found that it spans many disciplines.
  • A recent study of the effects of caffeine on concentration (Andoyo, 1990) used only male subjects.
  • Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson, 1990).

Note: When citing multiple references, list them in alphabetical order by the first author. Multiple references by the same author are listed in order by date, below:

This effect has been widely studied (Abbott, 1991, 1994; Kelso, 1998; Martini, 1992).

Two to five authors:

  • Becker and Seligman's (1996) findings contradicted this result.
  • This result was later contradicted (Becker & Seligman, 1996).
  • Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich (1995) examined the influence of "what might have been" thoughts on satisfaction among a group of Olympic medalists.
  • Research on Olympic medalists has shown that bronze medalists are more satisfied than silver medalists (Medvec, Madey, & Gilovich, 1995; Zimm & Abbott, 1992).

Note: Use an ampersand ('&') between two authors' names when the citation occurs within parentheses, and use the word 'when it occurs in the sentence. For articles by multiple authors, cite the names in the order given on the title page.

Six or more authors:

Cite only the last name of the first author, followed by "et al." and the year of publication.

  • Barakat et al. (1995) attempted to ...

Citing the same article in subsequent paragraphs

One or two authors: Use the same format as for the first citation.

Three or more authors: Include only the first author's last name followed by "et al." and the year of publication:

  • Medvec et al. (1995) examined the influence of "what might have been" thoughts on satisfaction among Olympic medalists
  • Research on satisfaction among Olympic medalists has shown that bronze medalists are more satisfied than silver medalists (Medvec et al., 1995).


If you must quote, however, use the author's exact words and include the page number in the citation:

  • "Our difficulty regarding sexual selection lies in understanding how it is that the males which conquer other males . . . leave a greater number of offspring to inherit their superiority than their beaten and less attractive rivals" (Darwin, 1874, p. 209).
  • The quotation that refers to institutional work should use an acronym or abbreviation; for example: (Komite SAK-IAI, PSAK28, 1997)

Citing Secondary Sources

If the primary source is not available, but you still want to refer to it, then give both the primary and secondary citations in the text, but cite only the secondary source in the References.

  • Nguyen and Lee (as cited in Becker & Seligman, 1996) found the opposite effect in children.
  • An opposite effect was found in infants (Nguyen & Lee, as cited in Becker & Seligman, 1996).

Note: For either example, list only Becker and Seligman (the source that you read) in the References.


JBM is using APA Style. JIP recommends MENDELEY software for reference management, but other software such as Zotero and EndNote can also be used. Each manuscript should include references that contain referred manuscripts. Each entry should contain all the required data. Of the number of references that were used at least 80% are journals from the total references.

Key Style Rules for Journal Article References (see also APA Publication Manual, 6th edition, pp. 169-224)

  • Center the header References. If you have only one source, then use the singular (Reference).
  • Use a hanging indent: Do not indent the first line of each reference, and do indent all the following lines.
  • Put each author's last name first. Use only initials for first and middle names.
  • List multiple authors of a single reference in the same order they are given in the article. Sequence matters! The order of authors reflects the relative contribution of each person.
  • List references in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author.
  • In the title of an article, book, or chapter, capitalize only the first letter of the first word, the first letter of a word after a colon, and any proper nouns. (Notice the difference in the next rule.)In the title of a journal, capitalize the first letter of each major word.
  • Italicize the title and volume number of the journal.
  • Include the issue number of the journal volume only if pages are not numbered consecutively throughout the volume
  • Don't write the abbreviations "Vol.", "No.", or "pp.". Just write the numbers.
  • Put periods after the date of publication, after the article's title, and at the end of the reference.
  • A digital object identifier (DOI): when published, many journal articles are assigned a unique string of numbers, a DOI, that serves to direct readers to the online article, regardless of where it is stored. This number is generally on the first page of the article and should be included at the end of the citation, after the page numbers.
  • Uniform resource locators (URLs): when no DOI is provided, but the article was retrieved from the web, provide the home page URL of the journal or of the book or report publisher. List this in the citation after the page numbers: "Retrieved from: http://www.xxxxx"

Common Citation Formats in Reference according to APA Style:

Journal article by one author:

Thompson, L. (1990). Negotiation behavior and outcomes: Empirical evidence and theoretical issues. Psychological Bulletin, 108,515-332. doi:10.1048/9385-0920.58.2.193

Journal article by two authors:

Loesche, L. S., & Tsai, S. D. (1998). More organization, less espresso: Effects of caffeine on manuscript length. Human Behaviour, 5, 1-43. Retrieved from http://journals.elsevierhealth.com/periodicals/ens

Journal article, three to seven authors:

Saywitz, K. J., Mannarino, A. P., Berliner, L., & Cohen, J. A. (2000). Treatment for sexually abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55,1040-1049. doi:10.5497/4578-2587.456.2.548

Journal article, more than seven authors:

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., . . . Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/journals/ccp.html

Book chapter (electronic version):

Booth, D. A. (1980). Conditioned reactions in motivation. In F. M. Toates & T. R. Hall (Eds.), Analysis of motivational processes (pp. 77-102). New York: Academic Press. Retrieved from http://www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk/html/index.asp

Note: See APA manual (6th ed.), pages 202-205, for more versions of electronic book sources.

Book (print version):

Toates, F. M. & Hall, T. R. (Eds.). (1980). Analysis of motivational processes. New York: Academic Press.

Note: If more than one city is given for the publisher of a book, name the most convenient city for finding the book (e.g., if Academic Press is published in New York and London, list only New York for an American audience or only London for a European audience).

Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics Statement

The ethics statement of publication in the process of publishing articles in the Platax Scientific Journal is a joint statement as; the publisher, editor, review board, and writer. The three main publication ethics in Platax Scientific Journal:

1. Neutrality. Publishing in the Platax Scientific Journal is free from conflicts of interest.

2. Justice. Authorities of articles published in the Platax Scientific Journal belong to the author.

3. Integrity / Honesty. Articles sent by the author must be original and free of plagiarism.

Publisher ethical standards

  1. The publisher determines the name of the journal, the scope of science, the period of publication, and the status of accreditation (indexed).
  2. The publisher establishes the board of reviewers.
    1. The publisher defines the relationship of the publisher, editors, reviewers, and other parties in the contract.
    2. The publisher respects all confidential matters of authors, editors, and reviewers.
    3. The publisher respects the copyright of all articles.
    4. The publisher reviews the publishing policy periodically and communicates it with authors, editors, reviewers, and readers.
    5. The publisher sets the code of conduct guidelines for editors and reviewers.
    6. The publisher ensures the publishing regularly.
    7. The publisher assures funding availability for publication sustainability.
    8. The publisher establishes and maintains the publication network.
    9. The publisher establishes the permit and other legal aspects.

Ethical standards of editors

  1. The editors justify the needs of readers and authors.
  2. The editors maintain the continuous improvement of publication quality.
  3. The editors apply procedures to assure the quality of published articles.
  4. The editors prioritize the independence of literary expressions objectively.
  5. The editors maintain the integrity of the academic records of authors.
  6. The editors deliver to authors corrections, clarifications, and rejections, and apologize if needed.
  7. The editors are responsible for the format and style of articles, while the authors are responsible for the contents (including any statements) of articles.
  8. The editors actively ask for any comments from authors, readers, reviewers, and members of the board editors to improve the publication quality.
  9. The editors encourage any assessments on Accountability Journal for any inadequacies.
  10. The editors support any initiative to reduce errors in published studies by asking the authors to sign any ethical clearances approved by the Ethical Clearance Committee.
  11. The editors support any initiative to educate the authors about publication ethics.
  12. The editors routinely evaluate and review the effect of publication policy on the responses of authors or reviewers and directly make any corrections needed to improve the editor's responsibility and reduce any errors significantly.
  13. The editors accept any comments or opinions by other people with the aboveboard.
  14. The editors make decisions independently and objectively.
  15. The editors encourage the authors to revise (if any) the articles based on reviewers' comments with the objective of proper publication.

Ethical standards of reviewers

  1. The reviewers independently and objectively review the article assigned by editors and deliver the results to editors as consideration for proper publication.
  2. The reviewers should not review the articles which directly or indirectly involve his/her name.
  3. The reviewers should keep the author's privacy by not propagating any comments or any contents of articles when under evaluation process.
  4. The reviewers encourage the authors to revise the articles in objective for proper publication.
  5. The reviewers should assess any revision by authors with predetermined standards.
  6. The reviewers should review the article within the standard time according to journal guidelines based on scientific rules such as methodology, the legality of authors, conclusion, etc.
  7. The reviewers should not review the articles which directly or indirectly involve his/her name.
  8. The reviewers should keep the author's privacy by not propagating any comments or any contents of articles when under evaluation process.
  9. The reviewers encourage the authors to revise the articles in objective for proper publication.
  10. The reviewers should assess any revision by authors with predetermined standards.
  11. The reviewers should review the article within the standard time according to journal guidelines based on scientific rules such as methodology, the legality of authors, conclusion, etc.

Ethical standards of authors

  1. The author assures that co-author/s are competent in the field of study.
  2. The author has responsibility for the contents of the article.
  3. The author declares any resources (including funding) for publication.
  4. The author declares any limitations of the article.
  5. The author responds to any comments by reviewers professionally and on time.
  6. The author informs editors if any revoke the article.
  7. Author signs the statements that the article is original, not under consideration, or published by other publishers in any languages

Sources of Support