Analisis Subtitusi Input Pupuk pada Produksi Tanaman Kubis di kelurahan Rurukan Kecamatan Tomohon Timur Kota Tomohon.

Besanof S. Mandagi, Jen Tatuh, Gene H.M. Kapantow, Loraine W. Th. Sondak


The objective of this research is to determine the possibility of input
substitution organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer by measuring MRTS
(marginal rate of technical subtitution) Cabbage crop production in Rurkan
Village East Tomohon Subdistrict. The method used in this study is survey
method. This study uses primary data and secondary data, which primary data
obtained through in-depth interviews with 6 cabbage farmers who have switched
to organic fertilizer and 14 farmers who are still in the process of transition to use
organic fertilizers, so the total number of samples in this study is 20 cabbage
farmers, while the secondary is obtained from the Rurukan Village Office.
Sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling.
Data analysis methods used in this research is by using the model of
exponential cobb-douglas and proceed with the analysis of MRTS (Marginal Rate
of Technical Subtitution) to measure the reduction of the quantity of one input by
one additional unit of input quantity, in such a way that still produces the same
output level. The results are presented descriptively by using tables and verbal
The result of research showed that of the five input variables taken turns at α
= 5%, only organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizers that had a significant effect
in cabbage production. While the addition of land, seed, pesticides and labor had
no significant effect for the addition of cabbage production. The MRTS value was
1,96 means that it is reguired 1,96 unit of organic fertilizers to substitute 1 unit of
inorganic fertilizers.

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