Penilaian Masyarakat Tani di Desa Buyat Terhadap Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Dinas Pertanian Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur

silvana . basala


Silvana Basala. Society assessment of Buyat Village farmer to the
Public Service performance of Agriculture Department East Bolaang regency
Mongondow under the guidance of O.Esry H. Laoh as chairman Ir. Juliana
R.Mandei and Celsius Talumingan as a member.
The objective of the study to examine the assessment of the farmers in the
village of Buyat on the performance of public services Agriculture Department
East BolaangMongondow East Regency.
The data used are primary data and secondary data, primary data obtained
from the farmers in the village of Buyat and secondary data obtained from agencies
or related agencies. Data was collected through direct interviews with the farmers
in the village of Buyat. The method of data analysis is descriptive analysis method
presented in tabular form by calculating the results of the assessment every farm
community based services and calculate the results average value of each element
of service.
Based Assessment of the Farmers in the village of Buyat on the
performance of the public Department of agriculture Easr Bolaang Mongondow
regency, it can be categorized as either. However, there ara still some elements that
are not goo.
From both these results indicate that the public service provided by the
Department of Agriculture Regional BolaangMongondow East Government can be
said to have a poor public services. Therefore, it is expected that the Department of
Agriculture Regional BolaangMongondow East Government to improve the
performance of services to the farming community as well as to pay attention to
the needs of the farmers, and can accept input from a farm community, whether it
be information, advice, opinions, responses, and or complaints.
These things should be followed up with efforts to inprove the Department
of Agriculture service to the farming community. Given that often a time there is a
difference between the aspirations of the farmers and the government. And too
often there is a difference of interpretation about the success of a program run by
the government. On the other side often it is assessment that the program is
success, by the govermant but the reality on the ground is not like what the
government hopes.

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                                           e-ISSN : 2715-0070