Pengaruh Merokok terhadap Kadar Trombosit Mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Abstract: Smoking causes various diseases as well as disabilities and endangers almost every organ of the human body. The effect of smoking on the body is inter alia systemic inflammatory response, namely through stimulation of the hematopoietic system (mainly occurs in the bone marrow), resulting in increased production of erythrocytes and leukocytes and decreased MCV and platelets. Smoking affects platelets that causes an increase in the occurence of atherosclerosis and its risk factors due to the increase in the mean platelet volume (MPV). This study was aimed to determine the effect of smoking on platelet levels among students of Sam Ratulangi University. This was a retrospective study. Data were analyzed by using the Pearson product moment test. Subjects were 51 male students of the Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University. The results showed that 48 subjects (94.1%) had normal platelet levels and only three students (5.9%) had high platelet levels; no subjects had low platelet level. The Pearson product moment test obtained P values of 0.985 and 0.104 for the effect of smoking (duration of smoking and number of cigarettes per day) on the platelet levels of the students. Conclusion: There was no significant effect of smoking on platelet levels.
Keywords: smoking, platelet level
Abstrak: Merokok menyebabkan penyakit dan kecacatan serta membahayakan hampir setiap organ tubuh manusia. Efek merokok pada tubuh berupa terjadinya respon inflamasi sistemik yaitu melalui stimulasi sistem hematopoietik yang terutama terjadi dalam sumsum tulang, berupa peningkatan produksi eritrosit dan leukosit serta penurunan MCV dan trombosit. Pengaruh rokok terhadap trombosit ialah terjadinya peningkatan aterosklerosis serta faktor risiko terjadinya penyakit ateroklerosis yang diakibatkan oleh peningkatan mean platelet volume (MPV). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh merokok terhadap kadar trombosit mahasiswa Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Jenis penelitian ialah retrospektif. Uji statistik menggunakan Pearson Product Moment. Terdapat 51 mahasiswa laki-laki dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sam Ratulangi sebagai subyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan subyek terbanyak memiliki kadar trombosit normal yaitu 48 mahasiswa (94,1%) dan hanya tiga mahasiswa (5,9%) dengan kadar trombosit tinggi; tidak terdapat subyek dengan kadar trombosit rendah. Hasil uji Pearson Product Moment pengaruh merokok (lama merokok dan jumlah rokok harian) terhadap kadar trombosit mahasiswa mendapatkan nilai P=0,985 dan P=0,104. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh bermakna dari merokok terhadap kadar trombosit.
Kata kunci: merokok, kadar trombosit
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