Administration of Deer Placenta Supplement Orally Increased the Testos-terone Hormone Levels in Young Adult Female Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Abstrak: Proses penuaan pada wanita mengakibatkan berbagai gangguan yang tidak menye-nangkan. Saat ini banyak beredar suplemen yang diproduksi dengan tujuan mengatasi hal tersebut, salah satunya ialah deer placenta frozen age. Berdasarkan uji laboratorium, setiap kapsul suplemen tersebut mengandung testosteron sebesar 3,08 ng/g yang tidak dicantumkan dalam komposisinya. Kadar testosteron berlebihan pada wanita dapat menyebabkan efek negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa pemberian suplemen deer placenta secara oral pada tikus Wistar betina dewasa muda dapat meningkatkan kadar testosteronnya. Jenis penelitian ialah true experimental menggunakan randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Sampel penelitian ialah 36 ekor tikus Wistar betina dewasa muda dibagi atas dua kelompok. Suplemen deer placenta diberikan sebesar 56,16 mg secara oral dengan force feeding selama 21 hari kepada kelompok perlakuan, dan plasebo pada kelompok kontrol. Darah tikus diambil di awal dan akhir penelitian untuk diperiksa kadar testosteronnya dengan metode ELISA. Dengan uji t-independent dilakukan analisis komparabilitas peningkatan rerata kadar testosteron antara sebelum dengan sesudah intervensi pada kedua kelompok, dan didapatkan perbedaan secara bermakna (p<0,05). Simpulan penelitian ini ialah pemberian suplemen deer placenta secara oral efektif meningkatkan kadar hormon testosteron dalam darah tikus wistar betina muda. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan mempertimbangkan siklus estrous tikus betina.
Kata kunci: deer placenta, antiaging, testosteron, tikus Wistar betina dewasa muda
Abstract: Aging process in women results in various unpleasant disorders. Therefore, currently there are many supplements produced to overcome this problem. One of them is deer placenta frozen age supplement. Based on laboratory analysis, each capsule of this supplement contained 3.08 ng/g testosterone, which was not included in the ingredients. High testosterone in women can cause devastating negative effects. Therefore, this study was aimed to prove that adminis-tration of deer placenta supplement orally could increase testosterone levels in young adult female Wistar rats. This was a true experimental study using a randomized pretest-posttest control group design. Samples were 36 young female Wistar rats divided into two groups. Deer placenta supplement was given 56.16 mg orally by force feeding for 21 days to the treatment group and placebo to the control group. The rat blood was taken at the beginning and at the end of this study to examine the level of testosterone using ELISA method. The T-independent test was used to compare the increase of the mean testosterone level before and after treatment of the two groups. The result showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.05). In conclusion, administration of deer placenta supplement orally is effective in increasing the blood testosterone level in young adult female Wistar rats. Further study is needed by considering the estrous cycle of female rats.
Keywords: deer placenta, anti-aging, testosterone, young adult female Wistar rats
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