Dennis Ch. Wuisantono, Joy A. M. Rattu, Hedison Polii


Abstract: Uric acid is a compound of nitrogen which is derived from purine catabolism of dietary and endogenous nucleic acid. Most uric acid is excreted through the kidneys and only a small portion through the gastrointestinal tract. Increased level of uric acid in blood due to either excessive production or decreased excretion is called hyperuricemia. The causes of hyperuricemia are alcoholism, leukemia, metastasic carcinoma, multiple myeloma, hyperliprotenemia, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, stress, lead poisoning, and dehydration resulting from the use of diuretics. Physical exercises can lower the level of blood uric acid; one of them is zumba gymnastics. This study aimed to obtain the change of blood uric acid after zumba exercise. This was a randomized pre test and post- test control group design. Respondents were female students of Faculty of Medicine University of Sam Ratulangi batch 2014. Zumba gymnastics was exercised for 2 weeks. The results showed that the average of blood uric acid before exercise was 4.172 mg/dL and after exercise was 4.817 mg/dl with a P value of 0.08 which meant no significant change. Conclusion: There was no significant change of blood uric acid after zumba exercise for 2 weeks.
Keywords: blood uric acid, female student

Abstrak: Asam urat adalah senyawa nitrogen yang di hasilkan dari proses katabolisme purin baik dari diet maupun dari asam nukleat endogen. Asam urat sebagian besar dieksresi melalui ginjal dan hanya sebagian kecil melalui saluran cerna. Kadar asam urat meningkat disebut hiperurisemia yang diakibatkan oleh produksi yang berlebihan atau ekskresi yang menurun. Penyebab terjadinya hiperurisemia antara lain: alkohol, leukemia, karsinoma metastasik, multiple myeloma, hiperlipoprotenemia, diabetes melitus, gagal ginjal, stress, keracunan timbal, dan dehidrasi akibat pemakaian diuretik. Cara terbaik untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat ialah dengan latihan fisik antara lain senam zumba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perubahan kadar asam urat darah setelah latihan senam zumba. Metode penelitian menggunakan randomized pre test and post- test control group design. Respoden ialah mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi angkatan 2014. Latihan senam zumba dilakukan selama 2 minggu. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan rerata kadar asam urat sebelum latihan zumba 4,172 mg/dL dan rerata kadar asam urat setelah latihan 4,817mg/dL dengan nilai P 0,08 yang berarti tidak ada perubahan yang bermakna. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perubahan kadar asam urat darah yang bermakna setelah latihan senam zumba selama 2 minggu.
Kata kunci: asam urat darah, mahasiswi

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