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Zootec is a scientific periodical journal published by the Faculty of Animal Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University in 1995 with the print ISSN number 0852 – 2626. The focus of articles on Animal Sciences includes livestock production, Animal Feed and Nutrition, Livestock Socio-Economics, Animal Product Technology, Animal Health, and potential pet wildlife Animal. Since its publication in Volume 38 number 1 of January 2018, it has been accredited with Rank 5 at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, Number SK 28/E/KPT/2019 with eISSN number 2615-8698. Starting Volume 41 No 2 of July 2021 the Zootec Journal has changed the writing template from the previous writing template. The Zootec journal has been indexed by Google Scholar, SINTA, Crossref, Garuda. Article authors can send articles in Indonesian or in English via email: to be considered for publication.
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