Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja

Virsa Sari Widuri, Innocentius Bernarto, Dewi Wuisan


The objectives of this study are to find out whether: 1) work discipline has a positive effect on teacher’s performance, 2) work motivation has a positive effect on teacher’s performance, 3) an organizational culture has a positive effect on teachers’ performance, 4) an organizational culture has a positive effect on work discipline, and 5) an organizational culture has a positive effect on work motivation. The research was conducted at the “X” school in Tangerang Selatan using the census method and the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) tool to analyze the results taken from 42 respondents being censused. The findings concluded that the work discipline, work motivation, and organizational culture have a positive effect on the teachers’ performance, and the organizational culture has a positive effect on work discipline as well as on work motivation of teachers in “X” school.  This research has contributed as an input for “X” school to manage and maintain the school’s culture which can improve the work discipline and work motivation of teachers, then it may lead to improved teacher’s performance in order to achieve the school’s’s aim to provide quality education service.


Kinerja; Disiplin Kerja; Motivasi Kerja; Budaya Organisasi

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