Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional dan Motivasi Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Bintang Sewu Sejahtera di Manado

Ashar Arsyad, Max Siwi, Harry Sumampouw


ABSTRACT : The company always strives for the employee to provide work productivity as much as
possible so that corporate objectives can be achieved in accordance with the targets set. But it is often
subjected to various kinds of obstacles because employees have thoughts, feelings, status, desire and
diverse backgrounds are brought into the company. It is necessary for the role of transformational
leadership that can give consideration and the intellectual stimulation individualized and who has
charisma and knowledge about what is the motivation of the employees as motivation from within and
from outside so that work productivity can be improved. This research was conducted with the aim to
determine the effect of transformational leadership and motivation towards employee productivity by
using the transformational leadership theory of Bass and Avolio, motivation theory of Frederick
Herzberg's and the work productivity theory of Sedarmayanti. The method used in this research using
quantitative descriptive, with approach multiple linear regression and multiple linear correlation
analysis. From the research obtainable equation as follows: Y = 2,237 + 0,246 + 0,720 . These
results indicate if there is no transformational leadership and motivation in the company, then the
employee productivity is 2,237. If the transformational leadership increased 1 scale on respondents'
answers it will increase employee productivity by 0,246. If the motivation to increase by 1 scale on the
respondent's answer then the employee's productivity will also increase by 0,720. From the result of Ftest
obtained value by 46,873 more than the value of is 3,25 with a significant level 0,000
> 0,05 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted it means transformational leadership and motivation
significantly influence employee productivity.
Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Motivation, Work Productivity

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Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, Indonesia.

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