Pembelajaran dari Kaizen Event di Masa Pandemi Covid 19: Studi Kasus pada Toyota Kalla, Indonesia

Andi Tenri Pada, Anhar Januar Malik, Lilis Hajra Amelia


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought companies to a situation full of uncertainty. Companies that want to survive must be able to adapt quickly. The trick is to ensure quality control and business effectiveness run well as an effort to maintain business in the midst of industrial turbulence. Identification of critical business processes or systems, determining the person in charge of each business process, identifying essential functions that support business processes and conducting ongoing assessments must be the focus of the company's attention. This study aims to describe the five keys to the success of the Kaizen Event, namely management policies and concerns, education and training, internal processes, assessments and awards in the implementation of the Toyota Kalla-Indonesia Kaizen Event Improvement Program during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-2021. This study uses an interpretive paradigm and a qualitative approach. Collecting data through document search, observation and interviews. The results show that Toyota Kalla's ability to encourage improvement in employees through Kaizen Events during the 2020-2021 Covid-19 pandemic is supported by the implementation of the five keys to success in Kaizen according to the Omoush et al (2020) model. In addition, the Kaizen Event at Toyota Kalla is also effective as a model for quality control and business effectiveness.

Keywords:  Kaizen, quality, efectivity, covid 19 pandemic, toyota kalla


Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perusahaan pada situasi yang penuh ketidakpastian. Perusahaan yang ingin bertahan harus bisa beradaptasi dengan cepat. Caranya, memastikan kendali mutu dan efektifitas bisnis berjalan dengan baik sebagai upaya mempertahankan bisnis di tengah turbulensi industri. Identifikasi proses bisnis atau sistem yang kritikal, menetapkan penanggung jawab dari setiap proses bisnis, identifikasi fungsi esensial yang menunjang proses bisnis serta melakukan penilaian secara berkelanjutan harus menjadi titik berat perhatian perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan lima kunci kesuksesan Kaizen Event yaitu kebijakan dan kepedulian manajemen, pendidikan dan pelatihan, proses internal, penilaian dan penghargaan pada pelaksanaan Program Improvement Kaizen Event Toyota Kalla-Indonesia di masa pandemi Covid 19 2020-2021.  Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretative dan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan data melalui penelusuran dokumen, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan Toyota Kalla dalam mendorong improvement pada karyawan melalui Kaizen Event di masa pandemi Covid 19 2020-2021 didukung adanya penerapan lima kunci sukses dalam Kaizen menurut model Omoush et al (2020). Di samping itu, Kaizen Event di Toyota Kalla juga efektif sebagai model kendali mutu dan efiktivitas bisnis.

Kata Kunci: Kaizen, mutu, efektivitas, pandemi covid 19, toyota kalla

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