Yupiter Mendrofa, Yuterlin Zalukhu


Abstract. It is increasingly believed that the main key to winning the competition is to provide value and satisfaction to customers through the delivery of quality products and services at competitive prices. The sample of this study is the total population of 30 people due to the limited number of respondents studied. This study uses a quantitative approach. From the results of the study, it is known that the following are 20 validity tests for each question and all of them are valid. From the calculation of the coefficient of determination shows that there is an effect of variable X on variable Y of 58.982%. For the rxy price obtained, a hypothesis test was carried out using t statistics to determine the reliability of the rxy correlation, and it turned out that the t value = 6.345 > 2.048. With degrees of freedom Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So from the analysis of the research results the authors conclude that there is an influence of tourist facilities on visitor satisfaction at the Nias Heritage Museum tourism object in Gunungsitoli city.

Abstrak. Semakin diyakini bahwa kunci utama untuk memenangkan persaingan adalah memberikan nilai dan kepuasan kepada pelanggan melalui penyampaian produk dan jasa berkualitas dengan  harga bersaing. Sampel penelitian ini merupakan keseluruhan jumlah populasi sebanyak 30 orang karena keterbatasan jumlah responden yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Dari hasil penelitian diketahui hal-hal sebagai berikut uji validitas setiap soal sebanyak 20 dan kesemuanya valid. Dari Perhitungan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y sebesar 58.982%. Untuk harga rxy yang didapat tersebut dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan statistika t untuk mengetahui kehandalan korelasi rxy, dan ternyata diperoleh harga t = 6,345 > 2,048. Dengan derajat kebebasan Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak. Sehingga dari analisa hasil penelitian penulis menyimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh fasilitas wisata terhadap kepuasan pengunjung pada objek wisata Museum Pusaka Nias kota Gunungsitoli

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