Irithca Jayanti Tengker, Theresia Isye Mogi, Christina Adelle Damopolii


Background : Post-Covid-19 is associated with the ability to function stones that can interfere with daily activities and work. Spirometry Incentive Exercises and diaphragmatic breathing exercises can increase the peak cough flow value on post-Covid-19.

Objective : To find out the comparison between Incentive Spirometry and diaphragmatic breathing exercises on the peak cough flow value on post-Covid-19.

Materials and Methods: This research is a The Control Group Pre-Post Test Group Design. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, namely Group 1 exercise with volume oriented Incentive spirometry, frequency of 2x exercise sets/day, 20 repetitions in 1 exercise set, rest between repetitions of 5 seconds, Group 2 diaphragmatic breathing exercise with a frequency of 2x exercise sets/day, 1 exercise set. with 6x breath cycle. Both exercises were performed 6x a week for 4 weeks. Before and after intervention, patients were evaluated using peak cough flow Results: There were 24 subjects (7 males, 17 females) aged 40–65 years, there was a very significant difference between the median initial PCF value and the median final PCF value in diaphragmatic breathing exercises (Z = -3.104 with p value = 0.001) on incentive spirometry exercise (Z = -3,070 with p value = 0.001) and comparison between Incentive Spirometry exercise with median value of diaphragmatic breathing exercise on post-Covid-19 peak cough flow value (Z = - 3.748 with p value <0.001).

Conclusion: There was an increase in the peak cough flow value after exercise in both groups, but the increase in the peak cough flow value in the Incentive Spirometry exercise was higher than the diaphragmatic breathing exercise.

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