Pengaruh Media Sosial, E-Service Quality dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian yang di Mediasi Oleh Gaya Hidup

Abdul wahid muslim


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the influence of social media e-service quality and price on purchase decisions, mediated by lifestyle on consumer of music streaming application Spotify in Manado. Result of the research shows that social media have a significant effect on lifestyle. E-service quality has a significant effect on lifestyle. Prices also have a significant effect on lifestyle. Meanwhile, social media has no significant effect on purchasing decisions. E-service quality also has no significant effect on purchasing decision.In this study also found that price have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, and lifestyle has a significant effect on the purchase decision on consumer of music streaming application Spotify in Manado.

Keywords: Media Social, E-Service Quality, Price, Lifestyle, Purchasing Decision    


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