Axl Laurens Lukas Windah, Elly Suoth, Fatimawali Fatimwali, Trina Tallei



West Nile virus is a neurotropic pathogen that can cause West Nile fever or encephalitis. The expansion of west nile virus is strongly influenced by mosquitoes, especially with the type of culex sp and aedes sp. The virus has a single-stranded RNA genome that is believed to have very rapid adaptation and spread. Mutations in west nile virus can occur in both structural proteins and non-structural proteins. In previous studies, it was explained that mutations in the structural protein west nile virus are beneficial because they can reduce mortility by up to 50% in invivo test. However, antiviral drugs and vaccines in humans specific to west nile virus are still being temporarily developed. This review discusses more about the development, biological basis and diagnosis of therapy and prevention of the spread of west nile virus.

Keywords: West nile virus, Evolution, Biological Basis, Diagnosis, Treatment and Pevention



Virus West Nile merupakan patogen yang bersifat neurotropik yang dapat menyebabkan demam west nile maupun ensefalitis. Perluasan dari virus west nile ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh nyamuk terutama dengan jenis culex sp dan aedes sp. Virus ini memiliki genom single-stranded RNA yang dipercaya memiliki adaptasi dan penyebaran yang sangat cepat. Mutasi pada virus west nile dapat terjadi baik pada protein struktural maupun protein non-struktural. Pada penelitian sebelumnya dijelaskan bahwa mutasi pada protein structural virus west nile bersifat menguntungkan dikarenakan mampu menurunkan mortilitas hingga 50% pada hewan uji. Namun, Obat antiviral dan vaksin pada manusia yang spesifik terhadap virus west nile ini masih sementara dikembangkan. Ulasan ini membahas lebih lanjut mengenai perkembangan, dasar biologis serta diagnosis terapi dan pencegahan dari penyebaran virus west nile.

Kata kunci: Virus west nile, Perkembangan, Dasar Biologis, Diagnosis, Pengobatan dan Pencegahan

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Publisher :
Pharmacy Study Program,
Faculty of Mathematic and Science
Sam Ratulangi University
Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, 95115


Cooperation With :
Persatuan Ahli Farmasi Indonesia (PAFI)
Sulawesi Utara
Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, 95112

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.