Yustika Carisandy Tiwang, Maria F. Sumual, Yoakhim Y. E. Oessoe



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi sukrosa yang tepat agar diperoleh kualitas jelly drink yang disukai panelis secara oraganoleptik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan penambahan konsentrasi sukrosa 30%, 40%, 50% dan 60% pada pembuatan minuman jelly. Uji sensoris dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa, aroma, warna dan tekstur yang diukur menggunakan skala hedonik. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kadar sukrosa, vitamin C, nilai pH, kadar air, total asam, viskositas, dan sineresis pada minuman jelly yang disukai. Uji sensoris dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa, aroma, warna dan tekstur yang diukur menggunakan skala hedonik. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis kadar sukrosa, vitamin C, nilai pH, kadar air, total asam, viskositas, dan sineresis pada minuman jelly yang disukai. Secara keseluruhan, preferensi panelis untuk minuman jeli nanas dengan tambahan perlakuan sukrosa 30% adalah 3,63 (suka), 40% 3,39 (agak suka), 50% 3,17 (agak suka) dan 60% 3,05 (agak suka), dan 60% 3,05 (agak suka). Suka). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa minuman jelly nanas yang disukai adalah minuman jelly dengan konsentrasi sukrosa 30%, kadar sukrosa 33,18%, vitamin C 24,89 mg / 100 g, nilai pH 5,74, kadar air 56,17%. total asam 0,6%, viskositas 661,40 cP, dan sineresis 0,96%.

Kata kunci: Minuman jelly; nanas; sukrosa.



This study aims to determine the right sucrose concentration in order to obtain the quality of jelly drink which is oraganoleptically preferred by the panelists. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with the addition of 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% sucrose concentrations in making jelly drinks. The sensory test was conducted to determine the level of preference for the panelists to taste, aroma, color and texture, which was measured using a hedonic scale. Furthermore, the analysis of the levels of sucrose, vitamin C, pH value, moisture content, total acid, viscosity, and syneresis were tested on the preferred jelly drink. The sensory test was conducted to determine the level of preference for the panelists to taste, aroma, color and texture, which was measured using a hedonic scale. Furthermore, the analysis of the levels of sucrose, vitamin C, pH value, moisture content, total acid, viscosity, and syneresis were tested on the preferred jelly drink. Overall, the panelists' preference for pineapple jelly drinks in the addition of 30% sucrose treatment was 3.63 (liked), 40% was 3.39 (slightly liked), 50% was 3.17 (somewhat liked) and 60% was 3,05 (rather like). It can be concluded that the preferred pineapple jelly drink is jelly drink with 30% sucrose concentration, which has 33.18% sucrose content, 24.89 mg / 100 g vitamin C, a pH value of 5.74, 56.17% moisture content. total acid 0.6%, viscosity 661.40 cP, and syneresis 0.96%.

Keywords : Jelly drin; pineapple; sucrose.

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