Pelatihan Emergency First Respon (EFR) Bagi Masyarakat di Desa Darunu Kecamatan Wori Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Propinsi Sulawesi Utara

Emergency First Response (EFR) Training for the Community in Darunu Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province


  • maykel Karauwan Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Jeanlly Solang Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Youdy Gumolili
  • Frans Rattu Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Alma Pongtuluran Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Mex Pesik Politeknik Negeri Manado
  • Dannie Oroh Politeknik Negeri Manado

Kata Kunci:

Emergency, First, Respon, Darunu village


Emergency First Response (EFR) or better known as Basic Life Support or first aid given to people experiencing an emergency. EMERGENCY FIRST RESPONSE is a subject matter given to students in the Underwater Ecotourism study program which aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become a responder who provides first aid in accidents. So as a form of community service, students implement this field activity in Darunu Village, Wori District or better known as Mangore Darunu Tourism Village, where this village is a fostered village of the Manado State Polytechnic, Department of Tourism in developing its tourism. Emergency First Response (EFR) needs to be trained for the community because as a tourist destination visited by various guests, it is necessary to know things about providing first aid if guests or the community themselves experience a medical emergency, because being a 'savior' is not necessarily a doctor or paramedic, but literally anyone can do this, even those who do not have medical training: every citizen can be a 'savior' when he intervenes to help others, while waiting for the arrival of more qualified assistance, such as medical personnel


