Optimasi Respon Flutter Aeroelastis Menggunakan Metode Interior Point Dan Kontrol Proporsional-Integral-Derivatif
Abstract — Flutter merupakan fenomena kopel antar struktur elastis yang mengalami vibrasi karena adanya gaya aerodinamis yang dihasilkan oleh aliran udara. Beberapa upaya yang telah dilakukan untuk meredam flutter antara lain: mengintegrasikan sirip dan aktuator redam; dan metode suspensi aktif yang bekerja secara real-time. Pada makalah ini, sistem reduksi flutter dilakukan dengan pendekatan respon boundary. Optimasi respon dilakukan dengan metode interior-point dan disertai penambahan kontrol PID. Dari simulasi diperoleh puncak maksimum flutter turun menjadi 1,8 cm. Dengan penambahan kontrol PID, lonjakan maksimum sistem menjadi 16,8% dan kesalahan keadaan tunak sebesar 0%.
Abstract —Flutter is a coupling phenomenon between elastic structure which vibrated because of aerodynamic forces that produced by air flow. Some research was done to decrease flutter such as integration between fin and damping actuator; and real-time active suspention method. In this paper, flutter reduction system has been done using respon boundary approximation. System optimization and control have been developed with interior point method and PID controller, respectively. From the simulation,obtains flutter maximum peak value decrease into 1,8 cm. By adding PID Controller, obtain maximum overshoot and steady state error are 16,8% and 0%, respectively.
Kata kunci — Flutter, IPM, Kontrol, Optimasi.
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