Analisis Efisiensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) Terhadap Penyinaran Matahari Menggunakan Solar Power Meter
Analysis of the Efficiency of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) Against Solar Irradiation Using a Solar Power Meter
Abstract — Efficiency is the comparison between output and input. Likewise for Solar Panels, according to the Standards issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the requirements for procurement of goods, the efficiency of a 200 Wp Solar Panel is 16%, while a 20 Wp Solar Panel is 12%. This research analyzes the efficiency of the sunlight reception system by using a power measuring instrument on a solar panel called a Solar Power Meter. From the measurement data, it was found that the maximum power on the Solar Panel was 1241 watts/m2 while the minimum power was 51.1 watts/m2, this happened because the measurements were different, so that in sunny weather the measured power was large, whereas in cloudy or closed weather cloud, the rated power is smaller. Based on these conditions, the light intensity received by the Solar Panel also varies. From the measurements and calculations carried out, the average efficiency of a 200 Wp Solar Panel is 14.88%, this result is different from the standard determined by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the difference in efficiency is 1.12%. The peak power measured was at 11.00.
Key words— Efficiency, Solar Energy, Solar Power Plant
Abstrak —Efisiensi adalah perbandingan antara output yang dan input. Begitu juga untuk Panel Surya, menurut Standart yang dikeluarkan kementrian ESDM dan persyaratan pengadaan barang, efisiensi Panel Surya 200 Wp sebesar 16%, sedangkan Panel Surya 20 Wp adalah 12%. Penelitian ini menganalisis efesiensi tersebut dari sistem penerimaan sinar matahari dengan menggunakan alat ukur daya pada Panel Surya yang disebut Solar Power Meter. Dari data hasil pengukuran diperoleh daya maksimal pada Panel Surya sebesar 1241 watt/m2 sedangkan daya minimum 51,1 watt/m2, hal ini terjadi karena saat pengukuran yang berbeda, sehingga pada saat cuaca cerah daya yang terukur besar, sedangkan untuk cuaca mendung atau tertutup awan, daya terukur lebih kecil. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut menyebabkan intensitas cahaya yang diterima Panel Surya juga berbeda-beda. Dari pengukuran dan perhitungan yang dilakukan efisiensi rata-rata pada Panel Surya 200 Wp sebesar 14,88%, hasil ini berbeda dari standart yang ditentukan Kementerian ESDM, dan selisih efesiensi sebesar 1,12%. Puncak daya yang terukur berada pada pukul 11.00.
Kata kunci — Efisiensi, Energi Matahari, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya.
Copyright (c) 2023 Widia Kamisah M Br Tinambunan, Rahmaniar
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.