Analisis Pengaruh Suhu dan Angin Terhadap Daya dan Efisiensi Panel Surya 100 Wp
Effect of Wind Temperature on Solar Panels and Efficiency
Abstract — Solar radiation has a big influence on the output of photovoltaic systems. Wind speed is directly related to the PV cooling system and can also affect the performance of solar grills. This research provides the effect of temperature and wind speed on the power and efficiency of 100 Wp solar panels in Belawan. Solar radiation and wind speed have a significant influence on the performance of photovoltaic systems. High temperatures can reduce panel voltage and efficiency, while wind can help cool the panels and improve their performance. This study was carried out over five days, with the average temperature of the solar panels reaching 31.7°C. The measurement results show efficiency variations from 40.26% to 14.7% during the research period. Linear regression analysis revealed that 16.1% of the efficiency variation could be explained by changes in wind speed, with the remainder influenced by other factors such as sunlight intensity. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering environmental factors in solar panel design and installation to maximize energy efficiency.\
Keywords: Electrical Energy, Wind Speed, Solar Panels, Temperature
Abstrak — Radiasi matahari mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap keluaran sistem fotovoltaik. Kecepatan angin berhubungan langsung dengan sistem pendingin PV dan juga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pemanggang tenaga surya. Penelitian ini memberikan pengaruh suhu dan kecepatan angin terhadap daya dan efisiensi panel surya 100 Wp di Belawan. Radiasi matahari dan kecepatan angin mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja sistem fotovoltaik. Suhu tinggi dapat mengurangi voltase dan efisiensi panel, sementara angin dapat membantu mendinginkan panel dan meningkatkan kinerjanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama lima hari, dengan suhu rata-rata panel surya mencapai 31,7°C. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan variasi efisiensi sebesar 40,26% hingga 14,7% selama periode penelitian. Analisis regresi linier menunjukkan bahwa 16,1% variasi efisiensi dapat dijelaskan oleh perubahan kecepatan angin, sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain seperti intensitas sinar matahari. Temuan ini menunjukkan pentingnya mempertimbangkan faktor lingkungan dalam desain dan pemasangan panel surya untuk memaksimalkan efisiensi energi.
Kata Kunci : Energi Listrik, Kecepatan Angin, Panel Surya, Suhu
Copyright (c) 2024 Partaonan Harahap, Partaonan Harahap (Author)

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Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.