Toksisitas; Larvasida; spons Acanthostrongylophora ingens; simbion jamurAbstract
The aim of this study is to isolate fungal symbionts from the sponge Acanthostrongylophora
ingens that grow in Bantong Island Waters to test their larvicidal activity towards A. aegypti larvae. A
piece of sponge A. ingens were cut and then planted on PDA media until the fungal mycelium starts to
grow. The pure isolates are inoculated into a rise medium in the Erlenmeyer flasks for static incubation
in room temperature for 14 days. Furthermore, the isolates were soaked with ethyl acetate 3 times,
followed by evaporation using a Rotary Vacuum evaporator. The extracts of each fungal isolates were
tested on A. aegypti larvae. The results showed that the five fungal isolate extracts have anti-larval
activity with LC50 values in isolates ranging from 1 to 6 ppm, namely, 1.2 (5.094 ppm), isolates 1.3
(3.388 ppm), isolates 2.2 (1.614 ppm), isolates 2.1B (5.918 ppm), isolates 1.1.2 (6.220 ppm). From the
LC50 results of this study, the extracts of the five isolates of the associated mushroom with the sponge
A. ingens from the waters of Bantong Island, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency were categorized as
very toxic according to the Tanamayat and Clarkson categories, so that they could be developed as
anti-larval towards A. aegypti mosquito.
Keywords: Toxicity, Larvicidal, sponge Acanthostrongylophora ingens, fungal symbionts
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi jamur simbion dari spons Acanthostrongylophora
ingens yang tumbuh di Perairan Pulau Bantong dan selanjutnya menguji aktivitas larvasida terhadap
larva A. aegypti. Spons A. ingens dipotong dan kemudian ditanam pada media PDA hingga miselium
jamur mulai tumbuh. Isolat murni diinokulasikan ke dalam media agar dalam labu Erlenmeyer dan
diinkubasi secara statis pada suhu ruang selama 14 hari. Selanjutnya isolat direndam dengan etil
asetat sebanyak 3 kali, kemudian diuapkan dengan menggunakan rotary vacuum evaporator. Ekstrak
masing-masing isolat jamur diujikan pada larva A. aegypti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima
ekstrak isolat jamur tersebut memiliki aktivitas anti larva dengan nilai LC50 pada isolat berkisar antara
1 hingga 6 ppm yaitu, 1.2 (5,094 ppm), isolat 1.3 (3,388 ppm), isolat 2.2 (1,614 ppm), isolat 2.1B (5,918
ppm), isolat 1.1.2 (6,220 ppm). Dari hasil LC50 penelitian ini, ekstrak kelima isolat jamur berasosiasi
dengan spons A. ingens dari perairan Pulau Bantong, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur
dikategorikan sangat toksik menurut kategori Tanamayat dan Clarkson, sehingga dapat dikembangkan
sebagai anti nyamuk A. aegypti.
Kata Kunci: Toksisitas, Larvasida, spons Acanthostrongylophora ingens, simbion jamur
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