Echinodermata; Keanekaragaman; Kelimpahan jenisAbstract
Echinoderms are very important in marine ecosystems and are useful as a component in the food
chain. Echinoderms can be detritus eaters, herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. This research was
conducted for 2 weeks. The methods used are the cruise method and the quadrat transect method. The
roaming method is carried out at 2 stations with data collection that is 100 m long. Next, data collection
using the quadratic transect method was carried out by drawing a 10 m long transect line and placing a
quadratic plot in a zig-zag manner next to the transect line. There were 5 plots observed measuring 1m x
1m with a plot distance of 2 m. Determining the distance of each station is 50 m from the first transect line
and other transect lines. The results of research on the waters of Tambala Village that were obtained as a
whole included four classes, namely Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, and Ophiuroidea with a total
of 8 types. Based on data analysis using the quadratic transect method, it was obtained: at station I H' =
1.067, the highest species density of Echinometra mathaei was 6.4 ind/m2 and the relative density was
55.49%, while at station II it was obtained H'= 0.831, the density the highest species Ophiocoma
erinaceus was 15.53 ind/m2 and the relative density was 54.56%.
Keywords: Echinoderms, Diversity, Abundance of species
Echinodermata sangat penting di dalam ekosistem laut dan bermanfaat sebagai salah
satukomponen dalam rantai makanan. Echinodermata dapat bersifat sebagai pemakan detritus,
herbivora, carnivora dan omnivora. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 minggu. Metode yang digunakan
adalah metode jelajah (cruise method) dan metode transek kuadrat. Metode jelajah dilakukan pada
2 stasiun dengan pengambilan data yaitu sepanjang 100 m. Selanjutnya pengambilan data
menggunakan metode transek kuadrat dilakukan dengan menarik garis transek sepanjang 10mdan
diletakkan plot kuadrat secara zig-zag di samping garis transek. Plot yang diamati sebanyak 5 buah yang
berukuran 1m x 1m dengan jarak plot 2 m.Penentuan jarak tiap stasiun yaitu berjarak 50 m dari garis
transek pertama dan garis transek lainnya.Hasil penelitian pada perairan Desa Tambala yang diperoleh
secara keseluruhan meliputi empat kelas yaitu Asteroidea, Holothuroidea, Echinoidea, dan Ophiuroidea
debngan total 8 jenis. Berdasarkan analisis data menggunakan metode transek kuadrat, maka diperoleh:
pada stasiun I H’ = 1,067, kepadatan spesies tertinggi Echinometra mathaei sebesar 6,4 ind/m2 dan
kepadatan relative sebesar 55,49% sedangkan pada stasiun II diperoleh H’= 0,831, kepadatan spesies
tertinggi Ophiocoma erinaceus sebesar 15,53 ind/m2 dan kepadatan relatif sebesar 54,56%.
Kata Kunci: Echinodermata, Keanekaragaman, Kelimpahan jenis
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