
  • Christian Palit Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Azzahra Aulina Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Rosemarie T. Roring Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Jenever Rori Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Deiske A. Sumilat Universitas Sam Ratulangi




Ascidia; Sabun; Anti-UV; SPF; Formula


Ascidian have many types and are known to function as filter feeder organisms that play a role in controlling phytoplankton in the waters, and are known for their potential secondary metabolites. One of the secondary metabolites produced by ascidia is anti-UV. This study aims to analyze the anti-UV activity of soap preparations with the addition of ascidia Lissoclinum sp. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analysis Chemistry. FMIPA UNSRAT. Anti-UV activity testing of the final soap was carried out by doing 3 repetitions for each formula. The results obtained after being tested on a UV-VIS spectrophotometer showed that there was a decrease in the anti-UV activity of each formula. From the anti-UV analysis that has been carried out, the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) value is obtained with an average SPF value for each formula, namely : soap formula 1: 10.45, soap formula 2: 20.21, soap formula 3: 9.35.

Keywords : Ascidia, Soap, Anti-UV, SPF, Formula


 Ascidia memiliki banyak jenis dan dikenal memiliki fungsi yaitu sebagai organisme filter feeder yang berperan dalam pengendalian fitoplankton di perairan, serta dikenal karena keberadaan metabolit sekunder yang sangat potensial. Salah satu senyawa metabolit sekunder yang dihasilkan ascidia yaitu anti-UV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa aktivitas anti-UV dari sediaan sabun dengan penambahan ekstra ascidia Lissoclinum sp. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Kimia Analisis Farmasi, FMIPA UNSRAT. Pengujian aktifitas anti-UV dari hasil akhir sabun telah dilakukan dengan melakukan 3 kali ulangan pada masing-masing formula. Hasil yang didapat setelah diujikan pada spektrofotometer UV-VIS menunjukan bahwa adanya penurunan aktifitas anti-UV dari masing-masing formula. Dari analisis anti-UV yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan nilai SPF (Sun Protection Factor) dengan rata-rata nilai SPF pada masing-masing formula yaitu : sabun formula 1 : 10.45, sabun formula 2 : 20.21, sabun formula 3 : 9.35.

Kata Kunci : Ascidia, Sabun, Anti-UV, SPF, Formula


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How to Cite

Palit, C., Aulina, A., Roring, R. T., Rori, J., & Sumilat, D. A. (2022). AKTIVITAS ANTI-UV SEDIAAN SABUN DENGAN PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK ASCIDIA Lissoclinum sp. JURNAL PESISIR DAN LAUT TROPIS, 10(1), 89–94. https://doi.org/10.35800/jplt.10.1.2022.55004