Morphological Characteristics and Shell Color Of Littoraria pallescens Prosobrancia Molusca From Different Mangrove In Tongkaina Waters, Manado City




Littoraria pallescens, Mangrove, Shell color, Morphology


The purpose of this study was to identify sea slugs L. pallescens taken from two different mangroves, namely Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina in Tongkaina waters, Bunaken District, Manado City based on morphology and anatomy as well as shell color. Identification of mangroves and sea slugs refers to the identification book. The results obtained were L. pallescens species with elongated and tapered morphology at the end of the shell measuring 0.3-2.7 cm. The operculum is purple. The color of the shell obtained was 66.85% consisting of dark colors (black, black, orange, brown and gray spots), occupying the stems and roots of the mangrove, while the light colors (yellow, yellow, dark spots and red) were found to be 33.15%, occupying the leaves and stems of mangroves. The high survival rate of L. pallescens was found in the mangrove roots. This species was found in R. mucronata by 65.26% while in A. marina only 34.74%, this could be caused by differences in the shape of the mangrove roots.

Keywords: L. pallescens; Mangrove; Shell color; Morphology


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengindentifikasi siput laut L. pallescens yang diambil dari dua mangrove berbeda yaitu Rhizopora mucronata dan Avicennia marina di perairan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken, Kota Manado berdasarkan morfologi dan anatomi serta warna cangkang. Identifikasi mangrove dan siput laut merujuk pada buku identifikasi. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu spesies L. pallescens dengan bentuk morfologi memanjang dan meruncing, pada bagian ujung cangkang berukuran  0,3-2,7 cm. Operculum berwarna ungu. Warna cangkang yang diperoleh 66,85% yang terdiri dari warna gelap (hitam, hitam bercak orange, coklat dan abu-abu), menempati bagian batang dan akar mangrove sedangkan warna terang (kuning, kuning bercak gelap dan merah) didapat 33,15%, menempati bagian daun dan batang mangrove. Tingginya kelangsungan hidup  L. pallescens berada pada bagian akar mangrove. Spesies ini ditemukan pada R. mucronata sebesar 65,26% sedangkan pada A. marina hanya 34,74%, hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh karena perbedaan bentuk akar mangrove.  

Kata Kunci: L. Pallescens; Mangrove; Warna cangkang; Morfologi


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How to Cite

Salawati, V. F., Mantiri, D. M. H., Boneka, F. B., Mamangkey, N. G. F., Warouw, V., & Kalesaran, O. (2022). Morphological Characteristics and Shell Color Of Littoraria pallescens Prosobrancia Molusca From Different Mangrove In Tongkaina Waters, Manado City. Jurnal Ilmiah Platax, 10(1), 92–97.

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