Use of Soy Milk as a Substitution of Cow’s Milk in Coconut (Cococs Nucifera L.) Ice Cream Processing
Ice Cream, Cow’s Millk, Soy Milk, CoconutAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of soy milk substitution on protein content, melting power and the level of consumer preference for coconut ice cream. This research was conducted experimentally using RAL (completely randomized design), with 5 treatments. The formulation of cow's milk and soy milk consisted of A (100%: 0%), B (75%: 25), C (50%: 50%), D (25%: 75%), E (0%: 100%) in 3 replications. The data obtained were analyzed using the analysis of variance method or ANOVA (Analysis of Variant).
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- 2024-02-29 (2)
- 2024-02-29 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 Chrisel Elgreit Bororing, Yoakhim Y. E. Oessoe, Maya M. Ludong

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