The Effect of the Use of Red Bean Flour and Blondo on the Making of Snack Bar.


  • Putri Natacia Makinggung Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Lucia Cecilia Mandey Sam Ratulangi University
  • Thelma D. J. Tuju Sam Ratulangi University



Snack Bar, Red bean flour, Blondo, Protein, Carbohydrate


Snack bar is a snack in the form of a bar that is processed using raw materials such as soybean flour, serelia and beans. Snack bar is a snack that has a variety of different types that are served in a practical form but have healthy nutritional content. Red bean flour is one of the functional food ingredients that can be used in making healthy food foods, in red bean flour contains calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber. , ,Blondo is a by-product of the process ofmaking kela pa oil which uses a wet method containing protein, ash, water, fat, carbohydrates and amino acids . The purpose of the study was to analyze the content of Protein and Carbohydrates in Snackbars using raw materials for red bean flour and blondo.The research method used was a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) comparing red bean flour and blondo with 5 treatments, namely P1(100%:0%), P2(25%:75%), P3(50%:50%), P4(75%:25%) and P5(0%:100%) and 3 repetitions in each treatment. Processing of research data using ANOVA then if there is an influence of treatment, followed by a BNT test at a test level 5%.The results of the protein content test ranged from 8.99%-11.81%, with the highest protein content in snack bars with P5 treatment (100% Blondo). In testing carbohydrate levels, carbohydrate levels in red bean flour snack bars and blondo ranged from 55.16%-34.34%. The highest carbohydrate content is P1 treatment, which is 100% red bean flour. The average organoleptic test results were panelists' liking for color 3.72 (like), for aroma 3.84 (like), for taste 3.92 (like) and for texture 3.36 (neutral).


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