Produksi Akuakultur dan Dampak Nutrifikasi Perairan Danau Tondano


  • Meilona Priskila Rawung
  • Indra R. N. Salindeho
  • Sipriana Tumembouw



This study was conducted to determine the level of aquaculture production Tondano and determine the impact of the production level of the waters of Lake Tondano nutrifikasi . The data collected in this study , consisting of primary data and secondary data . Production data obtained from the questionnaire and interviews to farmers fish there , as well as data obtained from the Department of Fisheries and Village Head Office . Water sampling to determine levels of phosphate in the waters of the lake . Water sampling conducted on six (6 ) locations: Village Ranomerut , Eris Village , Village Paslaten , Leleko Village , Village and Village Paleloan Toulour . Sampling was conducted at six (6 ) points to pay attention to the position of the inlet and outlet of the waters of Lake Tondano . Tondano aquaculture production in 2014 was estimated at 1222.12 tons / year . Number KJT operated as many as 978 units . There was a decrease in aquaculture production annually over a period of 2001 - 2014. Followed by the declining number of KJT on Lake Tondano . Phosphates were donated to the waters of fish farming activities from the rest of the feed pellets . The content of orthophosphate in the waters of Lake Tondano of 0.06 mg / l means the waters of the lake are in a safe condition Tondano not pass the specified limits ( PP RI No. 82 of 2001 ) . The decline in aquaculture production decline followed Tondano phosphorus content in Lake Tondano . Another factor that is expected to also affect the amount of water hyacinth around the lake so that the phosphorus content is also on the wane .

keywords : Lake Tondano, Production, Nutrification




How to Cite

Rawung, M. P., Salindeho, I. R. N., & Tumembouw, S. (2014). Produksi Akuakultur dan Dampak Nutrifikasi Perairan Danau Tondano. Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX, 2(2), 55–62.