Dear reader,
Publishing of Journal EMBA Vol.3 No.3 Sept. 2015, the editor presenting a number of scientific research papers with a variety of topics. The studies that have been conducted then published are: (1) Analysis of Leadership Methods and Work Motivation to Increase Productivity in The Employee Health Training Center Office of North Sulawesi, (2) The Impact of Inflation, Interest Rate, Earning Pershare and Devidend Payout Ratio on Stock Priceof Telecomunication Companies on The Indonesian Stock Exchange, and other recent research results that can be seen by the reader.Table of Contents
Ronald James Luly, Jantje L. Sepang
Andre Wellan Rumengan, Parengkuan Tommy, Rita Taroreh
Cynthia Amanda, Jullie J. Sondakh, Steven J. Tangkuman
Priska C. Homenta, Dhullo Afandi
Riman Irfanto, Merinda Pandowo
Rexsa Lombogia
Wita Wardani Mokoagow
Selvany Chichilia Lotulung, Joyce Lapian, Silcyljeova Moniharapon
Kevin R.M. Mandey, Tri Oldy Rotinsulu
Mega Silvia Ransulangi, Silvya Mandey, Willem A. Tumbuan
Yohanis Salutondok, Agus Supandi Soegoto
Daniel D