Dear reader,
Publishing of Journal EMBA Vol.4 No.1 March 2016, the editor presenting a number of scientific research papers with a variety of topics. The studies that have been conducted then published are: (1) Analysis of Production Cost in PT. Manado Nusantara Informasi (Koran Sindo), (2) Financial Performance Measurement in South District Government Minahasa Year 2011-2014, and other recent research results that can be seen by the reader.
Table of Contents
Calvin Riedel Fredrik Worotitjan, Jenny Morassa
Jelin Rempowatu, Victorina Tirayoh
Daniel Tampi, Agus Supandi Soegoto, Jacky S. B. Sumarauw
Daniel Tampi, Agus Supandi Soegoto, Jacky S. B. Sumarauw
Florence Katthy Mawikere, Jantje J. Tinangon
Triski Ovine Piri
Silvana Pingkan Walalangi, Jullie J. Sondakh
Megahsari Seftiani Mintje
Noviane Natalia Mandey
Alfa Pakasi, Johan Tumiwa
Reynold Briando Turangan, Sifrid S. Pangemanan, Maria V. J. Tielung
Sondakh David Reynaldo Sebastian
Keles Dikna Maria, Paulus Kindangen, Farlane S. Rumokoy