E-Journal Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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Zootec is a scientific periodical journal published by the Faculty of Animal Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University in 1995 with the print ISSN number 0852 – 2626. The focus of articles on Animal Sciences includes livestock production, Animal Feed and Nutrition, Livestock Socio-Economics, Animal Product Technology, Animal Health, and potential pet wildlife Animal. Since its publication in Volume 38 number 1 of January 2018, it has been accredited with Rank 5 at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, Number SK 28/E/KPT/2019 with eISSN number 2615-8698. Starting Volume 41 No 2 of July 2021 the Zootec Journal has changed the writing template from the previous writing template. The Zootec journal has been indexed by Google Scholar, SINTA, Crossref, Garuda. Article authors can send articles in Indonesian or in English via email: jzootek@yahoo.com to be considered for publication.


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Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan

  • ISSN: 2684 - 7205 (online)
  • ISSN: 2337 - 4284 (print)
  • Accreditation Number : No. 29/E/KPT/2019 (SINTA 4)
  • URL https://ejournal.unsrat.ac.id/index.php/jmthp/index  

Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (Media of Fishery Product Technology) is a scientific periodical published by Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. This media will publish the latest research and literature results in the field of Fishery Product Technology, particularly those related to the application of technology for improving the quality of fishery products, developing new fishery products, safety of fishery products, utilization of fishery product waste and other topics that are closely related to the utilization and processing of fishery products that can be consumed by humans.

Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan is published THREE times a year on January, May, and September since 2017.  However, due to a number of reasons the Board of Editor of this journal decide to publish THREE times a year on April, August, and December from 2022 and increase the number of article published in every number from 7 (seven) to 10 (ten) articles. This journal has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Fourth Grade (Sinta 4) since year 2018 to 2022 according to the decree No. 29/E/KPT/2019. 


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Jurrnal BUDIDAYA PERAIRAN merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian maupun ulasan (review) dibidang budidaya perairan baik budidaya air tawar, payau mapun laut. Artikel jurnal dapat ditulis dalam bahasa inggris atau bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal diterbitkan 3 kali setahun, namun sejak 2019 Volume 7, Jurnal diterbitkan 2 kali setahun yaitu bulan Maret dan September

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Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis mewadahi kajian-kajian ilmiah dalam bidang bio-ekologi pesisir dan laut, hidro-oesanografi dan morfologi pesisir, toksikologi dan farmasitika, kajian substansi kimiawi biota dan perkembangan bioteknologi kelautan lainnya, di lingkup pesisir dan laut di daerah tropis. Kajian ilmiah dimaksud bisa berupa hasil penelitian maupun critical review. Jurnal ini terbit 3 (tiga) kali dalam satu tahun (Februari, Juni, September).

Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis telah Terindeks: Sinta, Garuda, Google Schoolar.

Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis Terkareditasi Peringkat 5 (Sinta 5) untuk Janagka waktu Tahun 2018-2023 Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor: 28/E/KPT/2019 (26 September 2019)

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d'CARTESIAN:Jurnal Matematika dan Aplikasi

d'CartesiaN merupakan jurnal yang berhubungan dengan matematika dan komputasi bersama turunan-turunannya (aljabar, geometri, analisis, matematika terapan, matematika diskrit, statistika, teknologi informasi, sistem informasi, rekayasa perangkat lunak). Periode terbit 2 kali setahun, yaitu bulan Maret dan September.

d'CartesiaN telah terindeks: Google Scholar; Sinta 5Garuda (Garda Rujukan Digital); Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD); Indonesia Onesearch; Crossref

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Jurnal MIPA


ournal titleJurnal MIPA
Frequencytwice a year on February and August
Online ISSN2302-3899 (online)
Managing EditorVerna A. Suoth, ST.,M.Si
Editor-in-chiefDr. Gerald H, Tamuntuan, M.Si
PublisherUnversitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
AccreditationPeringkat 5 SINTA Certificate

JURNAL MIPA is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scholarly research on

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Pharmacon is the journal published by Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia (P-ISSN: 2302-2493 E-ISSN: 2721-4923). Pharmacon was established in 2012 and published four times a year (February, May, August, and November).

Pharmacon is an open access journal and has been indexed by main indexing Google Scholar, GARUDA, Crossref.

Pharmacon is accredited by Minister of Education and Culture, Research and Technology Republic Indonesia, Directorate General Higher Education, Research and Technology (Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi RI) No. as Ranking 5 (SINTA 5)








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Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX


The Platax Scientific Journal (JIP) is published by the Aquatic Resources Management Study Program, the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University, and is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

Platax Scientific Journal (JIP) aims to disseminate knowledge and insights from research results, innovations, and reviews on Water Resources Management.

This journal publishes research in the fields of Coastal area management, Conservation, ecotourism, Biology, ecology, marine molecular, and Marine Resources.

Platax Scientific Journal, since 2012 has published articles of research results individually or in groups from within and outside the country, or other research institutions related to the fisheries and marine sector.

We advise authors to look at the guidelines and policies in our publication process.


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The Pasca Teknik Sipil (S2) Unsrat Open Journal System (PTSU-OJS) consist of Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering (Online Not Yet) and Jurnal Ilmiah Media Engineering (Print) are published fourannualy, in Februari, March, July and November, by Pasca Teknik Sipil (S2) Sam Ratulangi University Ter Index di




PTSU-OJS aims to:

  1. Promote a civil engineering incorporating viewpoints of different disciplines.
  2. Elaborate and strengthen academic exchange with other institutions.
  3. Support scientist, practicing engineers, and others to conduct research and other similar activities.

PTSU-OJS welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. The editorial board decides papers to be published in PTSU-OJS journal after review by reviewers appointed by the board. Authors will be advised of reviewers' comments and suggestions.

Submission and Correspondence
Author shall submit paper by email to fabian_jm@unsrat.ac.id. File shall be named as follows: first three letters shall be followed by the first name of the first author and first word of the title, i.e.: ptsu-ojs(o/p)-fabian-composite. (o for online and p for print

Papers and all correspondences should be addressed to:
The Editor, Media Engineering Journal.
Pasca Sarjana Teknik Sipil (S2) Sam Ratulangi University
Jl. Kampus Unsrat Bahu Manado
Tel. +62-431-852-959
E-mail: fabian_jm@unsrat.ac.id 

Manuscripts should be typed double spaced (12-pitch font size, times new roman) in a single column format on A4 size paper with 2.5-cm wide margin (top, bottom, left, right). The length of a manuscript should be limited to maximum of 20 pages total (references, figures, tables, appendices, etc. inclusive). All pages should be numbered consecutively.

Deadline of submission:

February edition : first week of December

March edition : first week of February

July edition : first week of April

November edition : first week of August

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Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Auditing Goodwill diterbitkan oleh Program Magister Akuntansi (MAKSI) Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado, yang dimaksudkan sebagai media pertukaran informasi, penelitian dan karya ilmiah antara pengajar, alumni, mahasiswa dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.

Redaksi menerima naskah yang belum diterbitkan oleh media dan tinjauan atas buku-buku akuntansi terbitan dalam dan luar negeri yang baru serta catatan/komentar atas artikel yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini.

Surat-surat mengenai naskah yang diterbitkan, langganan, keagenan, dan lainnya dapat dialamatkan langsung ke redaksi atau lewat email : goodwillmaksi@yahoo.com.

Jurnal GOODWILL MAKSI FEB UNSRAT terbit secara online dan dapat didownload pada "CURRENT" atau "ARCHIVE".

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Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun. Jurnal ini merupakan hasil publikasi karya ilmiah / makalah dari Pengajar, Alumni, Mahasiswa yang berhubungan dengan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Pemasaran, Keuangan, Kewirausahaan, dan bidang minat Administrasi Bisnis lainnya. Jurnal ini menerima draft untuk publikasi program kemitraan masyarakat, review buku, laporan penelitian, dan jurnal ilmiah di sini.
Initials: JAB
Frequency: 2 kali setahun
DOI: Prefix 10.35797 Crossref
ISSN Print: 2338-9605
ISSN Online: 2655-206X
Editor in Chief: Olivia F. C. Walangitan
Layout Editor: Aneke Y. Punuindoong
Publisher: Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Citation Analysis: Sinta, Google Scholar, Garuda, Neliti, Zenodo

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HOLISTIK, Journal of Social and Culture

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Politico: Jurnal Ilmu Politik

DESCRIPTION: The POLITICO journal contains various articles related to developments and dynamics that occur in the world of politics. Writings or articles published in the POLITICO Journal can be the results of research or scientific opinions related to political science both in theory and practice.

Publisher: Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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JAP: Jurnal Administrasi Publik dengan ISSN : 2338-9613, merupakan media publikasi untuk menyalurkan karya ilmiah para dosen, teoritis, dan praktisi dalam bidang administrasi publik, serta pemerhati administrasi publik.

Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Menerbitkan hasil penelitian, pemikiran original, pengembangan, pengajaran, tulisan populer, dan kajian buku dalam bidang ilmu administrasi publik.

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Jurnal EMBA : Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi

Jurnal EMBA merupakan terbitan berkala sebagai sarana untuk menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan ilmu pengetahuan dibidang ekonomi. Diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Univeristas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Jurnal ini diterbitkan 4 kali setahun, sejak tahun 2012. Setiap artikel direview oleh para pakar secara double blind peer review system. JE menerima tulisan atau karya ilmiah hasil-hasil penelitian dibidang Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi, yang belum pernah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal lainnya.

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Journal titleJurnal Bios Logos
AbbreviationJurnal Bios Logos
Frequencytwice a year on February and August
DOIPrefix 10.37559 by 
Online ISSN2088-9569
Print ISSN2656-3282
Editor-in-chiefProf. Dr. Roni Koneri, S.Pd., M.Si
PublisherUnversitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
AccreditationPeringkat 3 SK Nomor 105/E/KPT/2022 | Certificate





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76 - 100 of 118 Items