Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan

  • ISSN: 2684 - 7205 (online)
  • ISSN: 2337 - 4284 (print)
  • Accreditation Number : No. 29/E/KPT/2019 (SINTA 4)
  • URL  

Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan (Media of Fishery Product Technology) is a scientific periodical published by Fisheries Product Technology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. This media will publish the latest research and literature results in the field of Fishery Product Technology, particularly those related to the application of technology for improving the quality of fishery products, developing new fishery products, safety of fishery products, utilization of fishery product waste and other topics that are closely related to the utilization and processing of fishery products that can be consumed by humans.

Media Teknologi Hasil Perikanan is published THREE times a year on January, May, and September since 2017.  However, due to a number of reasons the Board of Editor of this journal decide to publish THREE times a year on April, August, and December from 2022 and increase the number of article published in every number from 7 (seven) to 10 (ten) articles. This journal has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Fourth Grade (Sinta 4) since year 2018 to 2022 according to the decree No. 29/E/KPT/2019. 


Journal Homepage Image


Vol 10, No 3 (2022)

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Cover MTHP V10N3 Desember 2022


Siti Rohmah, Aris Munandar, Dini Surilayani
133 - 142
Charles Dotulong Masinambou, Feny Mentang, Lita A. D. Montolalu, Verly Dotulong, Roike Iwan Montolalu, Albert Royke Reo, Djuhria Wonggo
143 - 149
Romaryo Savsavubun, Lena Jeane Damongilala, Joyce Christiana Valencia Palenewen, Verly Dotulong, Jenki Pongoh, Daisy Monica Makapedua
150 - 156
Juliastri Hidayanti Langi, Djuhria Wonggo, Lena Jeane Damongilala, Lita Adonia Diana Yoice Montolalu, Silvana Dinaintang Harikedua, Daisy Monica Makapedua, Albert Royke Reo
157 - 164
Maria Sherina Sharon Mandang, Feny Mentang, Henny Adeleida Dien, Joyce C.V. Palenewen, Roike Iwan Montolalu, Engel Victor Pandey
165 - 170
Dara Enjelia Sahambangun, Henny Adeleida Dien, Nurmeilita Taher, Joyce C. V. Palenewen, Djuhria Wonggo, Daisy Monica Makapedua
171 - 176
Stefanus Lupu Kondolele, Andi Noor Asikin, Indrati Kusumaningrum, Seftylia Diachanty, Ita Zuraida
177 - 184
Sukma Sukma, Andi Mismawati, Bagus Fajar Pamungkas, Seftylia Diachanty, Ita Zuraida
185 - 191
Cythia Carissa Tanjung, Grace Sanger, Silvana Dinaintang Harikedua
192 - 197
Chairil Anwar, Djuhria Wonggo, Eunike Mongi
198 - 202