Ervina Ntau, Gregoria S. S. Djarkasi, Lana E. Lalujan



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi gelatin yang tepat terhadap kualitas fisik es krim sari jagung manis dan menganalisis tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap produk es krim sari jagung manis. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Hasil penelitian overrun dari es krim sari jagung manis diperoleh nilai rata-rata antara 65,11-78,92%, ketahanan diperoleh nilai rata-rata berkisar antara 15,12-31,59 menit, stabilitas emulsi diperoleh nilai rata-rata berkisar antara 78,87-83,07%, pengujian organoleptik ( rasa, warna, aroma, tekstur) es krim sari jagung manis diperoleh nilai rata-rata 3,72-4,04 (suka), 3,6-3,76 (suka), tekstur 3,44-4, 08 (Netral). -suka). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, konsentrasi gelatin 1% dapat mempertahankan daya leleh es krim sari jagung manis pada menit ke 31,59, stabilitas emulsi mencapai 83,07% dan overrun 65,11%. Dari analisis tingkat kesukaan panelis menyukai es krim sari jagung manis ditinjau dari rasa, warna, tekstur aroma.

Kata kunci: Es krim;gelatin; jagung manis.



The pupose of this study was to determine the right concentration of gelatin on the physical quality of sweet corn juice ice cream and, to analyze the preference level of panelists for sweet corn juicen ice cream products. This research uses a completely randomized design (CRD). The results of research overrun from sweet corn juice ice cream obtained an average value between 65.11-78.92%, resistance obtained an average value that ranged from 15.12 to 31.59 minutes, emulsion stability obtained an average value ranging from 78,87-83,07%, organoleptic testing (taste, color, aroma, texture) of sweet corn juice ice cream obtained an average value 3,72-4,04 (likes), 3,6-3,76 (likes), texture 3,44-4,08 (Neutral-likes). Based on research results 1% gelatin concentration can maintain the melting power of sweet corn juice ice cream at 31,59 minutes, the emulsion stability reaches 83,07% and overrun 65,11%. From the analysis of the level of preference panelists like sweet corn juice ice cream in terms of taste, color, aroma texture.

Keywords: Ice cream;gelatin; sweet corn 

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