Pengenalan Hama dan Penyakit Penting Tanaman Cingkeh pada Kelompok Tani Talun Rekat di Desa Paheleten Kecamatan Kakas

Introduction to Important Pests and Diseases of Clove Plants in the Talun Rekat Farmer Group in Paheleten Village, Kakas District


  • Elisabet R.M. Meray
  • Caroulus S. Rante


Clove, H. semivelutina, Kakas District, Paheletan Village, Talun Rakat


One of the main obstacles in increasing the productivity of clove commodities is pest and disease attacks.  Until now, the main problem encountered in the field is the presence of pest and disease attacks on the stems, twigs, leaves and even the roots of clove plants.  These pests and diseases directly cause damage to clove plants, so they need to be informed to farmers, including their control efforts.  The activities of the Community Partnership Program Cluster 2 (PKM_K2) aim to provide a good understanding to clove farmers, especially the Talun Rakat farmer group in Paheleten Village, Kakas District including efforts that can be made in overcoming pests and diseases that attack clove plants.  The method used is in the form of counseling to a number of members of the Talun Rakat farmer group.  The results of the collaboration between the Talun Rakat Farmer Group and the PKM_K2 Activity Proposal Team of the Faculty of Agriculture Unsrat have succeeded in transferring knowledge, especially important pests and diseases in clove plants.  A number of farmers were very responsive in participating in this activity, even there was a warm discussion, especially in dealing with pests that live in the trunk of the clove plant or known as Hexamitodera semivelutna Hell.

