Dramaturgi Pengguna Second Account Media Sosial Instagram (Studi pada Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Fispol Unsrat Manado)
This study aims to see how the dramaturgical phenomenon of Instagram second account users is used by Unsrat Social Political Science students. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type, qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, describe, explain, explain and answer in more detail the problems to be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group, or an event. The results of research that has been researched are that Instagram is very loved by students because the features available are very interesting, for example it can be a place to share photos and videos, Instagram stories, reels, IGTV and many more. Based on observations and interviews conducted by researchers in October 2021 with several social media users among Sam Ratulangi University Communication Studies students, 10 people claimed to have Instagram accounts, 5 of whom admitted to having two Instagram accounts. The reason why many have two Instagram accounts is that they are not so comfortable posting about their lives to the public, they are more comfortable sharing their posts with the people closest to them, therefore they create a second account so they can limit who can follow the account. Second Account as a forum for Instagram users to be who they really are. Second Account itself is an option for Instagram users to limit themselves to the general public, researchers see that second accounts are actually things that are made to express themselves which can only be seen by close or trusted relatives.
Keywords: Dramaturgy, Instagram, Second Account