The Effect of Servicescape and Personal Selling on Customer Satisfaction at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Bahu Unit


  • aisya Kamila amir universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Tinneke M Tumbel Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Olivia Walangitan Universitas Sam Ratulangi



Servicescape, Personal Selling, Customer Satisfaction


The aim of this research was to determine the influence of Servicescape and Personal Selling on Customer Satisfaction. This research uses a quantitative approach, and the population is all customers at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Bahu with 100 respondents as samples. The sampling technique uses a non-probability sampling technique using the accidental sampling method and data collection uses a questionnaire. Data analysis uses instrument testing, classical assumption testing, hypothesis testing, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination, and multiple linear regression analysis with data processing using SPSS version 23. The results of this research show that partially Servicescape does not have a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction, partially Personal Selling has a positive and significant effect on Customer Satisfaction. And simultaneously Servicescape and Personal Selling influence Customer Satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Kamila amir, aisya, Tumbel, T. M., & Walangitan, O. (2024). The Effect of Servicescape and Personal Selling on Customer Satisfaction at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Bahu Unit. Productivity, 5(2), 869–873.




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