Pengaruh penggunaan larutan kulit pisang goroho (Musa acuminate L ) terhadap sifat fisik telur ayam ras

D.F. Datukramat, R. Hadju, A. Yelnetty, M. Tamasoleng


EFFECT OF USE OF GOROHO BANANA (Musa acuminate L) PEEL SOLUTION ON THE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PUREBRED CHICKEN EGGS. This study aims to evaluate the effect of the use of goroho banana peel solution on the physical characteristics of purebred chicken eggs during storage. The ingredients used in this study were 40 eggs of fresh purebred laying hens weighing of 65-70g and goroho banana peels. The goroho banana peels were obtained from fried banana sellers located on the shore of Manado Malalayang beach. The tools used in this study were areknife, scales, container, diameter caliper, tissue, glass, stove, pan, cloth belacu, rubber band, plastic bag, sample paper, and measuring glass 1000 ml capacity. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design method consist of 4 treatments and 5 replication at each treatment. The observed variables were changes in egg weight, egg whites and egg yolk index. The data obtained were analyzed using anova. The results showed that there was a noticeable difference (P<0.05) to changes in egg weight, egg white index and egg yolk index. Immersion of eggs in concentrations up to 40% solution of goroho banana peels with storage for 30 days had a noticeable effect on changes in egg weight, egg white index and egg yolk index.

Keywords: Purebred chicken eggs, goroho banana peels, physical characteristics.

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